LDN Love Difference News #75

Istanbul hosts the second sessions of Patterns,
from the 4th to the 10th of September 2007
The spaces of IMC in the historic neighbourhood
of Fatih, Istanbul, will host from the 4th to the 10th of September
the second session of the project Patterns, curated by Bernardo Giorgi
and Cinzia Cozzi. The first session of the project took place in November-December
2006 in the neighborhood of Taksim. Patterns is officially hosted
at Istanbul Design Week, and it is a side project of Istanbul Biennale,
opening on the 6th of September.
The project comes from the idea of the overlap of body – a border
to the world outside – and territory. Overlapping body and territory,
it is possible to realize a map through clothes. Love Difference collaborated
the authors of the first session of Patterns, realizing a workshop
within the workshop, conducted by Maria Chiara Piraccini and Noemi
Satta in December 2006. during the workshop a multi-disciplinary group
explored, analyzed, and represented a portion of Istanbul territory,
aiming to create a cultural map and to define a base for the collection.
A Istanbul la seconda sessione del progetto
Patterns, dal 4 al 10 settembre>>>

Love Difference al Museo d'Arte Moderna di Saint Etienne, dal 15 settembre
al 19 novembre 2007 >>>
Love Difference at the Museum of Modern
Art of saint Etienne. September 15 – November 19, 2007>>> |

Bando di partecipazione alla quinta edizione
di Alternative Stage Festival ad Atene. Scadenza per le iscrizioni:
15 settembre 2007 >>>
Call for participation at the 5th Alternative
Stage Festival in Athens, Greece. Deadline: 15 September 2007>>> |

“Do you Nomi?” A Milano mostra
collettiva in omaggio a Klaus Nomi, dal 25 settembre
“Do you Nomi”? A group exhibition
celebrating the art of Klaus Nomi, opening in Milan, 25 September
>>> |

A Roma e Venezia due iniziative legate
all’editoria della Pace
Rome and Venice host two series of events
for peace publishing >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic