Taste the Difference: Open Call for ideas
and recipes for Love Difference Pastries. Deadline for submissions:
17th January 2008
Gastronomy represents an opportunity to
activate intercultural creative meetings and to enhance cultural differences.
Love Difference invites confectioners, chefs, artists to create sweet
things, to build Love Difference confectioneries
in the Mediterranean area.
The project originates from the presentation at the 51st Venice Biennial
of Art and at the World Summit on Information Society in Tunis of
the Love Difference Ice-cream (go
to the project) of halva flavour (sesame pastry, common in the
Arab countries of the Mediterranean and in the Balkan areas). The
recipe of the ice-cream has been shared with the free knowledge logic,
i. e. the free spreading of knowledge.
The Love Difference Ice-cream represents the cultural passport for
joining the different cultures in the Mediterranean area and making
them closer, through the experience of tasting.
The idea of the ice-cream leads to the Love Difference confectionery
project that will cross all the Mediterranean areas for activating,
through creativity, intercultural meetings that will enhance differences.
Love Difference launches an open-call for collecting
recipes and creative activities to create new sweets, with the aim
of constructing Love Difference confectioneries network, i.e. places
where differences will meet each other and will be tasted. The confections
should translate the idea of cohabitation among cultures, using different
channels: ingredients, production and distribution techniques, food
The confections that will be selected will be presented inside the
event “Gelato e Dolci Love Difference come passaporto culturale”
(Love Difference Ice-cream and sweets as cultural passports), included
in the exhibition "Cittadellarte Pistoletto and the Third Paradise",
curated by Bruno Corà at the CAMeC Modern and Contemporary
Art Center in La Spezia, on 22nd-24th February, 2008. The creators
of the recipes will be invited to participate in the round table with
Michelangelo Pistoletto and the Love Difference staff to discuss about
the artistic-culinary cooperation as basis of the project.
The project, promoted by Love Difference, Cittadellarte-Fondazione
Pistoletto, in collaboration with CAMeC Modern and Contemporary Art
Center in La Spezia is addressed to artists, confectioners, bakers,
chefs, creatives, who are interested in the realisation of an artistic
project which aims at promoting the meeting and the dialogue among
cultures, through the distribution of new sweet recipes around the
Mediterranean countries, made by the Love Difference confectioneries.
Documents required: Concept of the project (reasons, motivations concerning
the elements that make the sweet a channel of intercultural dialogue);
recipe (ingredients, quantities, time and conditions); curricula vitae
of the authors; filled application form. The documents required must
be sent until and not after 17th January 2008.
Love Difference offers an amount for travel expenses (that depends
on the provenance of the authors) and for stay to the authors of the
ten selected projects. Proposals edited in Italian, French, German
and Spanish languages are accepted.
to the Love Difference pastries project
Taste the Difference: Open Call per
la presentazione di idee e ricette per le Pasticcerie Love Difference.
Scadenza per la presentazione: 17 gennaio 2008>>>