LDN Love Difference News #58
![]() The project Amare (“Loving”) by Michelangelo Pistoletto will be placed on the beach in Rimini (Italy) from the 17th of December until the 18th of February 2007, for the series of events titled “Rimini, winter sea”. It is a site-specific installation, conceived to be placed on the sandy beach in front of Rimini’s Grand Hotel depicted by Fellini’s movies, a cricual place for the city’s cultural and economical life. A mirroring plate (20 metres wide) will be placed on the beach, facing the city, so that the people passing by will be able to mirror, reflect,measure and find themselves. The result will be an enigmatic and mimetic exchange, where the viewer will find himself inhabiting not the city , but its reflected image, with the sea in the background. The work Amare is the symbol of an artistic and cultural manifesto, in an anthropological sense, where Pistoletto reassembles the different parts of a unity fostering the idea of difference in its various meanings. A verb often used in Cittadellarte’s slogans and activities, “to love” in Italian can be also read as a hint to the main character of Rimini: the sea (a-mare, at sea). The huge mirroring puzzle, facing the city, reflects its buildings, its waterfront and, finally, its life. Info: comunicazione@ondalibera.net |
![]() Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto awarded the Minimum Prize 2006 to ReMida, a centre for the creative recycling of industrial waste, a place where waste materials become resources, to be trasformed through creativity. In 1996 in Reggio Emilia (Italy) the first ReMida centre was opened: waste was collected, reinvented and exhibited, supplying schools, teachers, cultural operators with materials, workshops, seminars and conferences. ReMida network today counts ten centres in Italy, five in Denmark and one in Australia. The Minimum Prize, now at its sixth edition, is dedicated to those who initiate a process of responsible transformation in society. Cittadellarte awarded 2006 prize, recognizing the transformation carried out by ReMida project, for its socially responsible aim of respecting the co-exhistance of nature and artifact. This idea is fully embodied by the work at Fondazione Pistoletto, so that in 2006 a new ReMida centre opened at Cittadellarte during the exhibition “"Art at the centre of a Responsible Transformation of Society 2006: the game". The awarding cerimony will take place at Cittadellarte on the 19th of December, starting at 5,30 p.m. Info: remidabiella@cittadellarte.it |
![]() Two projects developed at Cittadellarte are now involving students from schools, thus demonstrating that responsible transformation of society passes first through art and the youngests. From December 17 Waiting for water, the artistic project on the issues related to water, developed by Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto with Palastinian artist Walid Maw'ed will be exhibited in Gemona – Buja (Italy). The installation will be placed on the river Ledra, while at Mulino Cocconi in Ospedaletto the Water Collection will be on display until January 2007. The Water Collection is a female clothes collection, based on the concept of the transformation of a cloth-wall into clothes. The exhibition will be completed with video and documents about the project. On the 18th of December, the project will be presented to the students of a Fashion School in Gemona; students will work in the next year to realize a brand new collection made of the clothes used in the installation over the river Ledra. www.watercollection.net On the18th of December at 9 p.m. at Cittadellarte (Biella), premiere of the animation movie La donna che voleva volare (The woman who wanted to fly), a project developed by Indian artist Ajay Kumar Tiwari during Unidee in Residence 2006. The Education Office of Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto collaborated with the artist in contacting 22 students (11-14 years old) from Andorno and Chiavazza. The students realised in three months an animation movie, curating al the necessaries phases: research, production, post-production. The aim of the project was to teach the animation techniques, the processes to realise a movie, and the importance for the movie to carry a message: animation becomes a means to deliver awareneness over a certain issue, which in this case was Peace. At the movie’s premeiere all the authors will feature: the students from Adorno, responsible for the creation of the story and the design of the characters under the supervision of Ajay Kumar Tiwari, and the students from Chiavazza, authors of the soundtrack under the supervision of Enrico Strobino. Info: ufficiostampa@cittadellarte.it |
![]() The Culture, Arts and Refugees website has been created to host materials about the role of arts and culture in the inclusion and integration of refugees and asylum seekers. The website has online videos and downloadable case studies and is an evolving resource which will feature new materials and features as it grows. This site has evolved from the A Sense of Belonging research project which started in 2000 with research on cultural activities with Kosovan exiles in the UK, and evolved into a full research project involving around 70 organisations in the UK. The Culture, Arts and Refugees website is funded by the Home Office (Immigration and Nationality Directorate) and Arts Council England. Love Difference also suggests to have a look at Mesogea’s catalogne. Mesogea is a publisher based in Sicily, focusing on studies on Mediterranean issues. Mesogea also publishes “Signs and voices from the Mediterranean”, an Italian, European, Mediterranean magazine. cultureartsrefugees.creativexchange.org www.mesogea.it |
![]() Organized and managed by the Fondation Marcel Hicter and supported by the Council of Europe, the European Diploma in Cultural Project Management is a pan-European training programme arising from the will to foster cultural diversity as well as transregional and transnational cultural exchanges. Each year, around 25 professionals from 20 countries take part in the European Diploma. Since 1989, 400 cultural managers from 41 countries (from Europe, the Middle East, Canada, etc) followed this course. Its objective is threefold: to strengthen the knowledge of cultural managers about European, national and regional cultural policies; to improve the cultural managers’ skills to run cultural co-operation projects; to develop a network of European cultural managers. The training is best suited for cultural managers from public and private organizations who are actively involved in the management of cultural and artistic projects in their region, with at least 3 years experience. The age limit of applicants is 45. The programme is organized so that the participants carry on with their professional activities. It lasts for one year and is organized in 3 phases: 2 residential sessions, a comparative study and an evaluation plus seminar phase. Most of the expenses for this training programme are covered by the organizer and its partners. Each participant or the organisation he/she works for, will pay a fee of 3.000 EUR. The training languages being English and French, applicants must be fluent in one of these two working languages and have a good passive knowledge of the other. The deadline for application is 15 January 2007. www.fondation-hicter.org |
![]() The exhibition "GeneraComunicAzioni.tv" opened on Saturday the 9th of December at Casa Masaccio, Centre for Contemporary Art in San Giovanni Valdarno (Italy). The exhibition, a part of the Contemporary Art Workshop organised by Casa Masaccio, presents for the first time almost 60 videos, which will subsequently be on line on the web tv entirely devoted to contemporary culture: GeneraComunicAzioni.tv. On display, 12 videos produced during the workshop, and over 50 works by contemporary videoartists. More, videos from the workshop’s backstage and audio and video works from private galleries, such as Massimo De Carlo (Milan), Galleria Franco Noero (Turin), Monitor (Rome), and public institutions, such as Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Pecci of Prato. Radio Papesse will broadcast on line interviews and play lists from its archives. The web tv / podcast of Casa Masaccio’s Contemporary Art Workshop is online: www.generacomunicazioni.tv |
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DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic
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