LDN Love Difference News #12

and Love Difference at the conference “An eco-museum for the
arts” at Castel Beseno
Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto will
participate on Sunday, the 3rd of April, in the round-table “An
eco-museum for the arts”, which will take place in Castel Beseno,
Besenello (Trento), on the occasion of the opening of the “Art
path” and the awarding of the prize for young European artists
“Art Parks”. The discussion will be on the setting of
an eco-museum, intended for the tutelage and the enhancing of the
historical, artistic and ecological heritage of the upper Vallagarina
Filippo Fabbrica, Love Difference project manager, and Federica Cerutti,
editor at Cittadellarte, will present the Artistic Movement for an
InterMediterranean Politic, and the experience of Cittadellarte in
the project of Bilella eco-museo. Marco Cristiani from Arte Continua
will present the project “Art x Wine = Water”. At the
round-table will also feature authorities from the local administrations,
the Cultural Association Numero Civico (organizing the event and curating
the artistic prize), the winners of the prize, and Maurizio Bortolotti,
member of the prize commettee.
Cittadellarte e Love Difference
intervengono al convegno e tavolo di lavoro di Castel Beseno "Un
Ecomuseo per l’Arte">>>

“Art-chitecture of change” inaugura
il Isola Art Center e il Centro Love Difference di Milano. Dall’8
aprile alla Stecca degli Artigiani
of change”: an event for the opening of Isola Art Center and the
Love Difference Office in Milan. Starting on the 8th of April at Stecca
degli Artigiani >>> |

Architettura dell’occupazione:
alla Casa della Cultura di Milano incontro con Eyal Weizma >>>
Architecture of Occupation: at Casa
della Cultura in Milan, a meeting with Eyal Weizman
>>> |

Presentata al banale concept
store di Biella la Water Collection di Walid Maw'ed e Sara Conforti.
In esposizione fino al 30 aprile
Water Collection – by
Walid Maw’ed and Sara Conforti – at banale concept store
in Biella, until April 30th >>> |

Forum Asia-Europa per Giovani
Fotografi: iscrizioni fino al 15 Aprile 2005 >>>
Asia-Europe Forum for Young photographers:
application deadline on 15 April 2005>>> |

I Balcani, la cooperazione e la formazione:
un convegno a Trieste, un master a Portogruaro >>>
Education and Co-operation in the
Balkans: a conference in Trieste, a Master Course in Portogruaro

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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