LDN Love Difference News #12

Architecture of
Occupation: at Casa della Cultura in Milan, a meeting with Eyal Weizman
On Saturday, the 2nd of April, 3,30 p.m.,
Israeli architect Eyal Weizman will give a talk on “Architecture
of Occupation in the West Bank”. Weizman edited together with
Rafi Segal the study Politics of Israeli Architecture, a
fundamental essay ontown-planning and territorial dynamics, ruling
the co-existence in Palestine and Israel.
During the presentation and the discussion, video and photographic
materials on architecture and town-planning in Palestine and Israel
will be projected..
Architettura dell’occupazione:
alla Casa della Cultura di Milano incontro con Eyal Weizman

“Art-chitecture of change” inaugura
il Isola Art Center e il Centro Love Difference di Milano. Dall’8
aprile alla Stecca degli Artigiani
of change”: an event for the opening of Isola Art Center and the
Love Difference Office in Milan. Starting on the 8th of April at Stecca
degli Artigiani >>> |

Cittadellarte e Love Difference intervengono al convegno e tavolo di
lavoro di Castel Beseno “Un Ecomuseo per l’Arte” >>>
Cittadellarte and Love Difference
at the conference “An eco-museum for the arts” at Castel
Beseno >>> |

Presentata al banale concept
store di Biella la Water Collection di Walid Maw'ed e Sara Conforti.
In esposizione fino al 30 aprile
Water Collection – by
Walid Maw’ed and Sara Conforti – at banale concept store
in Biella, until April 30th >>> |

Forum Asia-Europa per Giovani
Fotografi: iscrizioni fino al 15 Aprile 2005
Asia-Europe Forum for Young photographers:
application deadline on 15 April 2005>>> |

I Balcani, la cooperazione e la formazione:
un convegno a Trieste, un master a Portogruaro
Education and Co-operation in the
Balkans: a conference in Trieste, a Master Course in Portogruaro >>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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