LDN Love Difference News #3   11-11-2004

URBAN FESTIVAL ZAGREB: dead-line on the 15th of December for 2005 call for the artists
The dead-line for the call for the artists at Urban Festival 2005 is the 15th of December 2004. Next year’s edition will be part of the project "Invisible Zagreb", which is initiated by Platform 9.81 to experiment with innovative ways of culture programming and space implication of culture, focusing mostly on larger ex-industrial and/or ex-business spaces, such as factories, transportation points, storages, etc., but also including other abandoned venues (like ex-cinemas and similar smaller places). UF 2005 is going to be the central and largest event in the serial of temporary inhabitations of those places that will, by using space resources of unused or underused eastern, ex industrial zone of City of Zagreb, put in the center of the public interest of the city questions of transition and transformation of these spaces, with the specific stress on their cultural usefulness.
The call for the artists is directed to four participant types: those who visit because of art/culture, who are there because of particular cultural event (usual art audiences), those who were attracted by the possibility to have fun, to be entertained and to participate in basic social interaction (entertainment audience), those who are living in the areas surrounding festival places/spaces (found audiences), those who came to learn something new, to participate and to get actively involved (participants). Projects can be shaped in different forms: performing art/culture (theatre, dance, performance art, happenings, actions), visual art/culture (space interventions, installations, performance art), new media and technology (multimedia, intermedia, tactical media, hybrid media), other new, hybrid or formally undefined forms.
Call for the artists at:


URBAN FESTIVAL, ZAGABRIA: tempo fino al 15 dicembre per presentare i progetti artistici al bando per l’edizione 2005. >>>

UNA CENA EVENTO PER LOVE DIFFERENCE. A Cittadellarte giovedì 25 novembre una cena con Gualtiero Marchesi e Slow Food, per finanziare i progetti di Love Difference >>>
A NEW EVENT FOR LOVE DIFFERENCE. At Cittadellarte a fund-raising dinner with Gualtiero Marchesi and Slow Food >>>

ME-DESIGN: fino al 12 dicembre a Genova una mostra in cui il design è mezzo di collegamento per i paesi del Mediterraneo. >>>
ME-DESIGN: until December 12 in Genua an exhibition of design as communication means for Mediterranean Countries. >>>

VOI SIETE QUI. LA CITTA’ CAMBIA CON L’ARTE: un ciclo di incontri a Torino sull'arte pubblica internazionale, a partire dall’esperienza di Bureau des Compétences et Désirs a Marsiglia>>>
VOI SIETE QUI (YOU ARE HERE): a series of meeting in Turin on international public art, starting from the experience of Bureau des Compétences et Désirs in Marseille >>>

LIBERTA’ DI STAMPA, ECCO LA CLASSIFICA (intanto, in Tunisia…) >>>
( at the meantime, in Tunis...)

AD HAIFA UN MASTER IN "GESTIONE DEL DISASTRO". L’Università israeliana adegua la sua offerta formativa allo stato di tensione. >>>
"DISASTER MANAGEMENT" AT HAIFA UNIVERSITY: a new master to deal with modern times. >>>

IL MEDITERRANEO E L’EUROPA TRA PASSATO E FUTURO. A Catania un convegno internazionale. >>>
THE MEDITERRANEAN AND EUROPE BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE. An international congress in Catania. >>>

UNA CONFERENZA PER LA NASCITA DELL’EURO-REGIONE ADRIATICA. Il Consiglio d’Europa riunisce a Termoli i rappresentanti di 6 Paesi.>>>
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ADRIATIC REGION: a contribution to European integration >>>

PAPER BOATS AT VALLETTA: “… and when I reach the port”, un progetto artistico e una riflessione sulle rotte migratorie nel Mediterraneo >>>
“… and when I reach the port”, an artistic project and a reflection about the migratory routes in the Mediterranean

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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