LDN Love Difference News #3   11-11-2004

"DISASTER MANAGEMENT" AT HAIFA UNIVERSITY: a new master to deal with modern times.
The University of Haifa has become the first institute of higher education to offer a master's program in disaster management.
Initiated by Brig.-Gen. (res.) Arnon Ben-Ami and Prof. Arnon Sofer of the university's Department of Geography, the two-year program is aimed at training future leaders how to handle catastrophes, such as a major earthquake or a mega-terror attack. The course has already attracted some 40 students.



AD HAIFA UN MASTER IN "GESTIONE DEL DISASTRO". L’Università israeliana adegua la sua offerta formativa allo stato di tensione. >>>

UNA CENA EVENTO PER LOVE DIFFERENCE. A Cittadellarte giovedì 25 novembre una cena con Gualtiero Marchesi e Slow Food, per finanziare i progetti di Love Difference >>>
A NEW EVENT FOR LOVE DIFFERENCE. At Cittadellarte a fund-raising dinner with Gualtiero Marchesi and Slow Food >>>

ME-DESIGN: fino al 12 dicembre a Genova una mostra in cui il design è mezzo di collegamento per i paesi del Mediterraneo. >>>
ME-DESIGN: until December 12 in Genua an exhibition of design as communication means for Mediterranean Countries. >>>

URBAN FESTIVAL, ZAGABRIA: tempo fino al 15 dicembre per presentare i progetti artistici al bando per l’edizione 2005. >>>
URBAN FESTIVAL ZAGREB: dead-line on the 15th of December for 2005 call for the artists >>>

VOI SIETE QUI. LA CITTA’ CAMBIA CON L’ARTE: un ciclo di incontri a Torino sull'arte pubblica internazionale, a partire dall’esperienza di Bureau des Compétences et Désirs a Marsiglia>>>
VOI SIETE QUI (YOU ARE HERE): a series of meeting in Turin on international public art, starting from the experience of Bureau des Compétences et Désirs in Marseille >>>

LIBERTA’ DI STAMPA, ECCO LA CLASSIFICA (intanto, in Tunisia…) >>>
( at the meantime, in Tunis...)

IL MEDITERRANEO E L’EUROPA TRA PASSATO E FUTURO. A Catania un convegno internazionale. >>>
THE MEDITERRANEAN AND EUROPE BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE. An international congress in Catania. >>>

UNA CONFERENZA PER LA NASCITA DELL’EURO-REGIONE ADRIATICA. Il Consiglio d’Europa riunisce a Termoli i rappresentanti di 6 Paesi.>>>
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ADRIATIC REGION: a contribution to European integration >>>

PAPER BOATS AT VALLETTA: “… and when I reach the port”, un progetto artistico e una riflessione sulle rotte migratorie nel Mediterraneo >>>
“… and when I reach the port”, an artistic project and a reflection about the migratory routes in the Mediterranean

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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