LDN Love Difference News #19   23-06-2005

Free software, the internet and the new possibilities in creativity and communication: two workshop – open and free – by Cittadellarte and Hipatia at VIU on Isola di San Servolo. Venice, 2nd and 9th of July
Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto, in collaboration with VIU - Venice International University, Hipatia, Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons Italia, invites you to take part to the two workshops on free knowledge organized within the exhibition 'Inner Island: the Art of Survival', a collateral event of the 51st International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia.
The two workshops are specifically thought for artists and cultural operators, to (re)think through the concepts of intellectual property and of the tropes connected with digital rights (co-operation, privacy, freedom of copy, access, learning, information), with a particular focus on the Creative Commons licences, recently adapted to the Italian law system.
Furthermore, through practical sessions, participants will be introduced to free software and internet, encouraged to explore the possibilities these tools offer for relational and creative purposes. Particular attention will be given to multimedia and graphic tools, the building of networks and the sharing of creative works.
The overall aim of the initiatives is to construct a planning platform that could continue in time, departing from Venice to connect with other initiatives and communities.
First meeting on Saturday the 2nd of July: “Free Knowledge in Action: from users to participants”, i.e. the importance of understanding how technological and communicational tools shape the style and the quality of today's life, and a reflection on the creative and relational potential of free software and the internet. Speakers: Stefano Barale, physicist, IT trainer, expert of digital inclusion; member of Hipatia, an international network active in the promotion of free knowledge; Silvano Galliani, Openlab, Milan; Stefano Maffulli, president of Free Software Foundation Italia.
The second workshop will take place on Saturday, the 9th of July. Title of the meeting: “Sharing creativity and knowledge: new forms of law the case of Creative Commons”. The workshop wants to stimulate a reflection around the themes raised by the concept of 'intellectual property' and 'digital rights', with a specific focus on the Creative Commons licences adapted to the Italian legal system. Speakers: Marco Ciurcina, lawyer, expert of intellectual property rights, member of Hipatia; Juan Carlos De Martin, First Researcher of the IEIIT - Institute of Information and Telecommunication Electronics and Engineering of C.N.R., within the Turin Polytechnic. Lead of Creative Commons Italia.
Workshops will be held at VIU on Isola di San Servolo, Venice. In order to participate, it is not necessary to have any previous knowledge of IT nor law, but participants are advised to bring their own laptop.
Both workshops are for free, open to a maximum of 15 participants. To register, send a mail to ufficiostampa@cittadellarte.it, indicating 'workshop registration' as the mail's object.

Software libero, internet e le nuove strade della creatività e della comunicazione: due workshop, liberi e gratuiti, organizzati da Cittadellarte, Hipatia e VIU sull’Isola di San Servolo. A Venezia, il 2 e 9 luglio >>>

Software libero, internet e le nuove strade della creatività e della comunicazione: due workshop, liberi e gratuiti, organizzati da Cittadellarte, Hipatia e VIU sull’Isola di San Servolo. A Venezia, il 2 e 9 luglio >>>
Free software, the internet and the new possibilities in creativity and communication: two workshop – open and free – by Cittadellarte and Hipatia at VIU on Isola di San Servolo. Venice, 2nd and 9th of July >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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