LDN Love Difference News #21   14-07-2005

Art investigating identity: at Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena the exhibition on Nomadism and Identity
Nomadism and identity, the exhibition currently on display at Contemporary Art Centre Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena, Italy, will close on September 25. The exhibit, curated by Lorenzo Fusi, gravitates around the concepts of identity and nomadism in contemporary society; the aim is to analyse political, cultural and gender issues through the eyes of contemporary artists particularly engaged with the aforementioned topics.
Social integration and conflicts have been redefying our perception of the Self. In this delicate phase of re-negotiation of identitarian categories the artists play a fundamental role. Who’s the foreigner and for whom? Does the nomad have more sense of identity than the resident? And who has no roots? Is the artist always a nomad and to which world does he/she belong? The exhibition addresses some of these issues and activates a much wider platform of discussion.
On display works by: Ajamu, Chantal Akerman, Jananne Al-Ani, Ghada Amer, Carlos Amorales, Nuria Carrasco, Marlene Dumas, Tracey Emin, Jon Mikel Euba, Meschac Gaba, Lyle Ashton Harris, Sandi Hilal e Alessandro Petti, Alfredo Jaar,William Kentridge, Jennifer e Kevin McCoy, Mario Rizzi, Zineb Sedira, Medhat Shafik, Do-Ho Suh, Kara Walker, Sislej Xhafa, Chen Zhen e Zelimir Zilnik.

L’arte indaga l’identità: continua a Siena, al Palazzo delle Papesse, la mostra su Nomadismo e identità >>>

Apre l’ottava edizione di Arte al Centro: alla Fondazione Pistoletto dal 14 luglio mostre ed eventi con gli Uffizi di Cittadellarte e Love Difference >>>
Eighth edition of Art at the Centre: at Fondazione Pistoletto from July 14 exhibitions and events with Cittadellarte’s Offices and Love Difference >>>

Festival Internazionale di Arte Elettronica 404 a Rosario, Argentina: scade il 15 agosto il termine per la presentazione dei progetti >>>
International Festival of Electronic Art 404 in Rosario, Argentina: deadline on August 15 for submissions >>>

La Commissione Cinema vieta la proiezione di film stranieri in Egitto >>>
Film Commission stops foreign film in Egypt>>>

Compiti delle vacanze: i suggerimenti di lettura di LDN >>>
Homeworks: reading suggestions from LDN >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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