While the Biennial continues on
the mainland, on the island of San Servolo three months of non-stop
work. Final event on the 30th of September
Three months of intense working have passed
for the artists of Cittadellarte. From June to September, the small
island of San Servolo (Venice) has become a centre of workshops, meetings,
discussions, roundtables and intense creativity. Art at the centre
– but not the one on display in the mainland.
Here on the island, creativity is appointed to interact and to collaborate
with local, social, political and economical context. Thus, various
multidisciplinary groups are invited to share, through creativity,
visions and perspectives for the lagoon and the city; thus, common
plans and projects with entrepreneurs from Venice are drawn; thus,
creativity crosses the city streets through an alternative, dynamic
and concrete way.
At the end of the exhibition "Third paradise" (curated by
Achille Bonito Oliva), Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cittadellarte and
Venice International University leave a visible sign, in order to
develop participation and common visions in the lived and perceived
context of the city, activating collaborations with groups, agencies
and associations working on the territory. The research and projects
carried out during the five workshops will be presented to the press
and the public of Venice on Friday, 30 September at Venice International
University, island of San Servolo (Venice).
Bookings and info: redazione@cittadellarte.it
Mentre sulla terraferma continua
la Biennale d’Arte, sull’isola di San Servolo tre mesi
di lavori non stop. Evento finale il 30 settembre >>>