LDN Love Difference News #26   06-10-2005

In Matera – Italy, inLuogo - art and languages in the city territory, the exhibition curated by SoutHeritage Foundation. Until 7 December
The exhibition inLuogo - art and languages in the city territory will open on Friday 7 October in the Bookshop of Palazzo Lanfranchi, Matera, as part of Scenarte 2005 - section Public Art.
The exhibition, curated by Angelo Bianco and organised by SoutHeritage Foundation for Contemporary Art, is part of the cultural review Scenarte 2005, which has already hosted many art events in the sections Photography and Theatre of Places. The closing section, dedicated to Public Art, will see for the first time in Matera artists and architects active in this branch of art. Selected artists face aesthetic experimentations in the territory, creating a comparison between various creative practices. The city of Matera, looking at the most interesting international experiences, hosts five special art projects, especially designed for the city by national and international designers. From art to architecture, an entire generation of designer is contributing to draw an image of the city space, that reflects the variety of perspectives from which the city is lived today. The inLuogo project draws an idea of the city through fragments, suggestions, distances, showing the diversity of languages and practices used by the artists. In the exhibition, projects by Roberto Martino, Nomade/Salento Observatory, Menicagli Franc, Stalker and Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, which is also partner of the organisation.

A Matera, per Scenarte 2005, la mostra ideata dalla Fondazione SoutHeritage inLuogo – arte e linguaggi nel territorio urbano, fino al 7 dicembre >>>

Un catalogo specchiante per i sei mari medi-terranei del mondo. Michelangelo Pistoletto presenta a Modena il libro d’artista realizzato interamente su alluminio>>>
A mirroring catalogue for the six Medi-Terranean seas of the world. Michelangelo Pistoletto presents in Modena his aluminium artist book>>>

ARCHITETTURAadARTE: a Spoleto venerdì 14 ottobre un convegno sul rapporto arte – architettura. Video di Michelangelo Pistoletto >>>
ARCHITETTURAadARTE: in Spoleto, Friday 14 October, a meeting on the relationship between art and architecture, featuring Michelangelo Pistoletto >>>

Due week-end di appuntamenti Love Difference: a Gorizia, Trieste e Bergamo per arte, incontri e sport >>>
Love Difference weekends: in Gorizia, Trieste and Bergamo, Love Difference cut-in-three for art, cultural meetings and sport>>>

Mobilità, competenze interculturali e cooperazione culturale nell'età degli spazi digitali: una sessione di formazione a Bucarest (Romania), il 2 novembre 2005 >>>
Mobility, intercultural competence, cultural cooperation in the age of digital spaces: a training session in Bucharest (Romania), November 2 2005 >>>

Atena nera: l’arte africana contemporanea in mostra ad Ameno (NO), fino al 30 ottobre >>>
Black Athena: contemporary African art on display in Ameno (Italy), until October 30 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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