LDN Love Difference News #27

Culture in the EuroMediterranean
Space: a forum in Barcelona on the cultural aspects of regional relations.
November 22-23
In coordination with the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean
Summit, the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia and
the Interarts Foundation are holding an event focused on the cultural
aspects of regional relations, offering a space for reflection and
a meeting point for professionals of the sector and the general public.
Culture in the Euro-Mediterranean Space (Barcelona, 22-23
November 2005) aims to be a departure point for establishing a working
agenda for culture in the Euro-Mediterranean space that can provide
continuity, and an opportunity to take stock of the achieved results
in the field of culture of the Barcelona Process.
The program is designed to combine intellectual contributions from
relevant personalities together with sessions of debate for professionals
and cultural organisations. Alongside the plenary sessions focused
on the relation between culture and broader issues of Euro-Mediterranean
relations like migration, there will be more specific workshops that
will analyse the existing resources for cultural and artistic cooperation
in the region.
The forum is intended for cultural operators of all kinds, working
in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and others with an interest in collaboration,
exchange and cooperation.
A limited number of grants is available for professionals from the
Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean.
La cultura nello spazio Euro-mediterraneo:
un forum a Barcellona sugli aspetti culturali dei rapporti regionali.
22-23 Novembre 2005 >>>

Michelangelo Pistoletto e Filippo Fabbrica ritirano ad Anversa l’Evens
prize 2005 assegnato a Love Difference>>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto and Filippo
Fabbrica receive Evens Prize 2005 in Antwerp, awarded to Love Difference>>> |

Il 29 ottobre si chiude la
settima edizione di Unidee in Residence: presentati anche i progetti
realizzati in collaborazione con Love Difference
29 October 205, closing workshop
for “Unidee in residence – International program 2005”:
projects in collaboration with Love Difference to be presented
>>> |

Movin’ Up:
un bando per il finanziamento della mobilità degli artisti. Scadenza
18 novembre 2005 >>>
Movin’ Up: a fund program
for the mobility of artists. Deadline for submission: 18 November 2005
>>> |

Home Works III:
a Beirut dal 17 al 24 novembre un forum internazionale sulle pratiche
culturali >>>
Home Works III: in
Beirut, 17th – 24th November, an international Forum on Cultural
Practices>>> |

Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo: il primo
Rapporto sulle migrazioni nel Mediterraneo pubblicato dal CARIM
Migration in the Mediterranean: the
first Mediterranean Migration Report released by CARIM >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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