LDN Love Difference News #27

Migration in the Mediterranean:
the first Mediterranean Migration Report released by CARIM
The Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied
Research on International Migration (CARIM) released on October 12
its first annual report, Mediterranean Migration - Report 2005.
This report offers a comprehensive survey on migration to, from, and
in transit through, the Mediterranean countries of the Middle East
and North Africa (Med-MENA), and gives a perspective from the South
looking North rather than the other way around. It contains a regional
overview, followed by a section for each of the ten Med-MENA countries
comprising chapters on the demographic and economic, legal, and political
dimensions of migration, an appendix of statistics and maps.
The ‘Cooperation project on the social integration of immigrants,
migration and the movement of persons’ (EuroMed Migration) is
a regional initiative launched by the European Commission (EuropeAid
Cooperation Office) in February 2004 as part of the MEDA programme.
Its goal is to create an instrument for observing, analysing and forecasting
migratory movements, their causes and their impact, in Europe and
in the Mediterranean partner countries. The CARIM has been set up
in order to implement the EuroMed Migration project. The Consortium
is composed of a coordinating unit set up at the Robert Schuman Centre
for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (Florence),
and a network of scientific correspondents based in Mediterranean
partner countries. External experts from the north and the south also
contribute to its activities. The report can be downloaded from the
CARIM website.
Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo:
il primo Rapporto sulle migrazioni nel Mediterraneo pubblicato dal

Michelangelo Pistoletto e Filippo Fabbrica ritirano ad Anversa l’Evens
prize 2005 assegnato a Love Difference>>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto and Filippo
Fabbrica receive Evens Prize 2005 in Antwerp, awarded to Love Difference>>> |

Il 29 ottobre si chiude la
settima edizione di Unidee in Residence: presentati anche i progetti
realizzati in collaborazione con Love Difference
29 October 205, closing workshop
for “Unidee in residence – International program 2005”:
projects in collaboration with Love Difference to be presented
>>> |

Movin’ Up:
un bando per il finanziamento della mobilità degli artisti. Scadenza
18 novembre 2005 >>>
Movin’ Up: a fund program
for the mobility of artists. Deadline for submission: 18 November 2005
>>> |

Home Works III:
a Beirut dal 17 al 24 novembre un forum internazionale sulle pratiche
culturali >>>
Home Works III: in
Beirut, 17th – 24th November, an international Forum on Cultural
Practices>>> |

La cultura nello spazio Euro-mediterraneo:
un forum a Barcellona sugli aspetti culturali dei rapporti regionali.
22-23 Novembre 2005 >>>
Culture in the EuroMediterranean Space:
a forum in Barcelona on the cultural aspects of regional relations.
November 22-23 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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