LDN Love Difference News #29   18-11-2005

Gulliver Connect 2005/2006: Meritis Foundation launches its art mobility programme from the Central and Eastern Eurpe and the Caucasus. Deadline on December 15
The Felix Meritis Foundation, based in Amsterdam, announced the fifth edition of the Gulliver Connect Programme, realised in collaboration with The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate in Sofia, The New Theatre Institute in Latvia and KulturKontakt in Vienna. Grants are available for working placements for art practitioners from Europe, including the former Soviet Union & the Caucasus.
The aim of the working placement programme is to facilitate collaborative partnerships between arts practitioners from neighbouring countries in the European Union, the Caucasus and the former Soviet Union, and to encourage the process of 'learning from practice. The Gulliver Connect programme is open to both aspirant visitors and aspirant host institutions. Artistic scope of the participants are performing arts, visual arts, (new) media art management, film. The geographical scope of the programme's participants is Central and Eastern Europe, including the former Soviet Union.
There are approximately 16 bursaries available for work placements to and from the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia). The deadline for completed applications is December 15, 2005.

Gulliver Connect 2005/2006: la Fondazione Meritis lancia il programma di mobilità per l’arte per l’Europa Centrale e Orientale. Scadenza per le domande il 15 Dicembre>>>

Il MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 a Richard Stallman: cerimonia di premiazione la sera del 17 novembre a Tunisi>>>
The MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 to Richard Stallman: awarding ceremony on November 17th in Tunis>>>

CoDex in diretta da Tunisi: ecco la lista dei partecipanti al laboratorio organizzato da Love Difference >>>
CoDex live from Tunis: here’s the list of participants at the workshop organised by Love Difference >>>

Gulliver Connect 2005/2006: la Fondazione Meritis lancia il programma di mobilità per l’arte per l’Europa Centrale e Orientale. Scadenza per le domande il 15 Dicembre >>>
Gulliver Connect 2005/2006: Meritis Foundation launches its art mobility programme from the Central and Eastern Eurpe and the Caucasus. Deadline on December 15>>>

Programma Kokkalis: studenti dall’Europa Sud-orientale alla Kennedy School of Government di Harvard. Scadenza per le domande: 6 gennaio 2006 >>>
Kokkalis Programme: students from Southeastern Europe at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Deadline for applications: January 6, 2006 >>>

Libertà di stampa nel Mediterraneo: due casi di censura in Egitto e Tunisia >>>
Free Press in the Mediterranean: two cases in Egypt and Tunisia >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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