LDN Love Difference News #29

Free Press in the Mediterranean:
two cases in Egypt and Tunisia
The Al-Azhar University in Cairo has demanded
a ban on selling in Egypt a book critical against the 'Wahhabism',
an extremist Islamic current. The book titled 'Wahhabi Islam: From
Revival and Reform to Global Jihad', which is written by Natana DeLong-Bas
of the U.S. Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding,
was published by Oxford University Press in 2004 and republished in
Egypt by the publishing house of the American University of Cairo
(Auc). The Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Culture,
said that he fears that "such a position (of al-Azhar) has been
adopted under political pressure." Heba Raouf Ezzat, a university
lecturer in political science at the Cairo University, considers "the
incident a sign of the sensitiveness towards any criticism against
Wahhabism or Saudi Arabia in Egypt".
Ansamed reports that Tunisia has refused entry to the country to Robert
Menard, secretary-general of media watchdog group Reporters Without
Borders, who was about to attend the World Summit on Information Society
scheduled for November 16-18 (see LND#28). Reporters Without Borders
defined the decision of the Tunisian Government as absurd and unacceptable:
“Already, this summit is a masquerade. Freedom of expression
will be ... absent ... at this summit”. The summit's president
informed the watchdog he had received a declaration from the Tunisian
government saying that Menard would not be allowed to enter the country
because of a complaint against him made in 2002, which is still being
Libertà di stampa nel Mediterraneo:
due casi di censura in Egitto e Tunisia >>>

Il MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 a Richard Stallman: cerimonia di premiazione la
sera del 17 novembre a Tunisi>>>
The MINIMUM PRIZE 2005 to Richard
Stallman: awarding ceremony on November 17th in Tunis>>> |

CoDex in diretta da Tunisi:
ecco la lista dei partecipanti al laboratorio organizzato da Love Difference
CoDex live from Tunis: here’s
the list of participants at the workshop organised by Love Difference
>>> |

Gulliver Connect 2005/2006:
la Fondazione Meritis lancia il programma di mobilità per l’arte
per l’Europa Centrale e Orientale. Scadenza per le domande il
15 Dicembre >>>
Gulliver Connect 2005/2006:
Meritis Foundation launches its art mobility programme from the Central
and Eastern Eurpe and the Caucasus. Deadline on December 15>>> |

Programma Kokkalis: studenti dall’Europa
Sud-orientale alla Kennedy School of Government di Harvard. Scadenza
per le domande: 6 gennaio 2006 >>>
Kokkalis Programme: students from
Southeastern Europe at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Deadline for applications: January 6, 2006 >>> |

Libertà di stampa nel Mediterraneo:
due casi di censura in Egitto e Tunisia >>>
Free Press in the Mediterranean: two
cases in Egypt and Tunisia >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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