LDN Love Difference News #33

Illy presents 2005 collection,
designed by residents from Cittadellarte Unidee
Alfredo Luis Vasquez (Colombia), Natasha
Jankovic (Serbia), Tatiana Goloviznina (Russia) and Fratelli Fortuna
(a group of artists from Italy), residents at Unidee - University
of Ideas at Fondazione Pistoletto, designed illy caffè collection
The collaboration between Cittadellarte and illycaffè, that
has been on-going since 2000, was set up and developed within the
Unidee in-residence programs to then extend to projects and forms
of collaboration focusing on the relationship between research in
art and the creativity of production. In fact, each year, the artists
attending the in-residence program are invited to create and develop
a project for the illy collection cups. The aim of the project is
to highlight the possibility of conveying messages of social importance
through a design product, following the motto that each product assumes
a social responsibility.
Cittadellarte has already created the collections by Michelangelo
Pistoletto, "Love difference", Rufus Willis and "No
water, no coffee" by Maria Joäo Calisto. Once again, for
the fifth year running, illy has invited Unidee residents to submit
their ideas. The aim is to convey a socially meaningful message through
a design product.
The results of this collaboration that has been going on for several
years are the four original interpretations of the cup by residents
in the 2000 and 2004 editions of Unidee. www.illy.com
Illy presenta la serie delle
tazzine disegnate dai residenti Unidee di Cittadellarte

Unrecognized. Il progetto di Tal Adler, realizzato in collaborazione
con Love Difference, in mostra dal 21 gennaio ad Hulon (Israele). Prima
tappa di un tour europeo>>>
Unrecognized. An exhibition
of Tal Adler’s project, realized in collaboration with Love Difference,
from 21st January in Hulon (Israel). First stage of the European tour>>> |

Dal 27 al 29 gennaio a Bologna
Metodi arte - società, il workshop di Cittadellarte
e Artfactories ad Arte Fiera: iscriversi è libero è gratuito
Bologna, 27th-29th January, Methods
art - society, a workshop by Cittadellarte and Artfactories: participation
is open - and free of charge
>>> |

Il calcetto Love
Difference di Diego Paccagnella alla mostra Piemonte Torino Design:
a Torino, Sala Bolaffi, dal 26 gennaio al 19 marzo >>>
Love Difference table football
designed by Diego Paccagnella at Piemonte Torino Design exhibition:
Turin, January 26th - March 19th >>> |

Bando 2006 della Fondazione
Euro-Mediterranea Anna Lindh per il dialogo interculturale. Prima scadenza
per la presentazione dei progetti: 1 marzo 2006 >>>
Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean
Foundation Call for Proposals 2006 for intercultural dialogue. First
deadline: 1st March 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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