LDN Love Difference News #35

Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cittadellarte
and Enzo Cucchi: a conversation around the Love Difference Table.
Bergamo, Thursday 2nd February 2006
The exhibition "War is over 1945 -
2005. The Freedom of Art from Picasso to Warhol to Cattelan"
will close on February 26 at GAMeC (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary
Art) in Bergamo. Among the events linked to the exhibition, on Thursdays
2 February at 9 p.m. a meeting with the artists Enzo Cucchi and Michelangelo
Pistoletto with Cittadellarte, curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio.
Subject of the meeting will be the transformation of the society through
creative processes. The conversation will be kept around the Love
Difference Table, a work by Michelangelo Pistoletto, displayed in
the detached section of the exhibition Orizzonte del futuro
(Horizon of the future), at Palazzo della Ragione, in the
città alta (walled city).
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cittadellarte
ed Enzo Cucchi: una conversazione attorno al Tavolo Love Difference.
Bergamo, giovedì 2 febbraio 2006>>>

On line il bando 2006 di Unidee in Residence, residenza di artisti a
Cittadellarte, in collaborazione con Love Difference. Scadenza: 10 aprile
Unidee in Residence 2006: artists
in residence in Cittadellarte, in collaboration with Love Difference.
Call for Applications now on line, deadline on April 10th>>> |

Bledi in
progress, parte III: un workshop ad Algeri dal 10 marzo al 10 aprile.
Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 20 febbraio >>>
Bledi in progress
part III: a workshop in Algiers, 10th March – 10th April 2006.
Application deadline: February 20th >>> |

Aggiornamento sui progetti
Love Difference: Europoly e Memento vivere:. E un
appuntamento con la vela per Emergency >>>
News from Love Difference
– Unidee projects Europoly and Memento Vivere:.
An appointment with the sail for Emergency >>> |

Bando di partecipazione al festival Made
in Video: scadenza per le iscrizioni al 31 Marzo 2006 >>>
Made in Video call for entries:
Submission deadline: March 31st 2006 >>> |

Luminar IV: le riviste on-line.
Il quarto seminario su Internet e umanesimo alla Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venezia, 2-3 febbraio 2006 >>>
Luminar IV: on-line magazines.
The fourth seminar on Humanism and the Internet at Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venice, 2nd-3rd February 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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