LDN Love Difference News #35

News from Love Difference
– Unidee projects Europoly and Memento Vivere:.
An appointment with the sail for Emergency
LDN #27 (LDN#27)
presented two projects developed by Unidee residents 2005, to which
Love Difference is collaborating: Europoly and Memento
Europoly - The Union Identity Trading Game, by the artist
Dejan Kaludjerovic is constantly making progresses. Part of the project
is a publication concerning identity and the definition of the identity,
in a context of Eurocentric contemporary migration. All the authors,
who were supposed to be involved in the publication, have been contacted:
positive answers came from important international authors. Europoly
will be presented at the end of June – beginning of July, at
Art at the Centre at Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, and
within an exhibition at the Slovenian Cultural Centre in Venice –
Gallery A+A. Negotiations with the European Parliament are in progress,
aiming to bring the entire project at the European Parliament in Brussels
before the end of 2006. Continuous Europoly keep on arousing
interest and receiving invites in several centres. Venues will be
announced asap.
Memento Vivere:, a project by Aziz Ceho, is equally in a
crucial phase of its development. As soon as he went back in Sarajevo,
Aziz’s project aroused the interest and enthusiasm of FTV’
Director (Ferederal Television), who granted immediate access to the
archives of the Federal Television (at the time TVBIH - Television
of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Director is intentionated in broadcasting
Aziz’s video-documentary, once he will finished it, together
with the tv program Djecija Televizija - DTV. The artist
also has been asked to show up in important prime-time tv programs,
discussing the topic of war and infancy, a key issue of Memento
Vivere:. As he goes on in the realization of the documentary,
the artist is therefore working at the possibility to show the documentary
and its message to a public who is not specialised in arts.
Finally, news from the sea: a meeting will be held on Saturday 11
February at 12 a.m., as part of the project “a sail for Emergency”
At the nautical centre ventodivenezia on the Island of Certosa
in Venice a dvd on the first year of activity of the MINItransat “One
sail for Emergency” will be presented to friends and partners
of the project.
Further information: info@ventodivenezia.it
Aggiornamento sui progetti Love
Difference: Europoly e Memento vivere:. E un appuntamento
con la vela per Emergency>>>

On line il bando 2006 di Unidee in Residence, residenza di artisti a
Cittadellarte, in collaborazione con Love Difference. Scadenza: 10 aprile
Unidee in Residence 2006: artists
in residence in Cittadellarte, in collaboration with Love Difference.
Call for Applications now on line, deadline on April 10th>>> |

Michelangelo Pistoletto,
Cittadellarte ed Enzo Cucchi: una conversazione attorno al Tavolo Love
Difference. Bergamo, giovedì 2 febbraio 2006 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cittadellarte
and Enzo Cucchi: a conversation around the Love Difference Table. Bergamo,
Thursday 2nd February 2006 >>> |

Bledi in
progress, parte III: un workshop ad Algeri dal 10 marzo al 10 aprile.
Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 20 febbraio >>>
Bledi in progress
part III: a workshop in Algiers, 10th March – 10th April 2006.
Application deadline: February 20th >>> |

Bando di partecipazione al festival Made
in Video: scadenza per le iscrizioni al 31 Marzo 2006 >>>
Made in Video call for entries:
Submission deadline: March 31st 2006 >>> |

Luminar IV: le riviste on-line.
Il quarto seminario su Internet e umanesimo alla Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venezia, 2-3 febbraio 2006 >>>
Luminar IV: on-line magazines.
The fourth seminar on Humanism and the Internet at Fondazione Querini
Stampalia, Venice, 2nd-3rd February 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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