LDN Love Difference News #36

A message from the deep of the
heart: Love Difference supports the new Emergency’s campaign
for the construction of a heart-surgery center in Sudan
Emergency has launched a new campaign to
support the construction of a heart-surgery medical center in Khartoum,
Sudan. The project of the Center in Khartoum comes from the need of
thousands of persons suffering from cardiac pathologies in Sudan and
in nine adjacent Countries, who would not have other possibilities
to be operated free of charge from highly specialized medical equipes.
The Center’s name will be Salam, that is "peace"
in Arabic. A place to develop peace practices through the acknowledgment
of the equal dignity and rights for every human being, the sharing
of advanced medical knowledges and the opportunity for medical staff
and patients from various countries and cultures to find a place for
meeting and collaboration. Love Difference members contributed to
the development of the project devolving the moneies of Christmas
cards to something more useful, collecting approximately 1000 euro.
From February 3 to March 6 the phone number 48587 will be open for
donations with mobile sms messages at the cost of 1 euro and donations
through cable phones costing 2 euro, in support of this important
project. All the information on the project, the campaign and the
modalities in order to support Emergency are published on web site
of the association.
Un messaggio dal profondo del cuore:
Love Difference sostiene la nuova campagna di Emergency per la costruzione
di un centro di cardiochirurgia in Sudan >>>

Terza assemblea annuale dei soci Love Difference e tavola rotonda: sabato
25 febbraio a Cittadellarte >>>
Third Love Difference Members Annual
Assembly and a round table: Saturday, February 25 at Cittadellarte >>> |

Cipro: l'arte ricostruisce
la società: una tavola rotonda per mettere la creatività
in relazione con le problematiche di uno dei punti più “caldi”
dell'area mediterranea. Il 25 febbraio a Cittadellarte >>>
art rebuilding society. A round table to put creativity in relation
with the issues of one of the hottest area of the Mediterranean. February
25, 2006 at Cittadellarte >>> |

Master in Politiche
Euro-Mediterranee organizzato da un consorzio di 16 università
mediterranee: scadenza per le domande di ammissione: 20 febbraio 2006>>>
Master in Euro-Mediterranean
Affairs run jointly by 16 Mediterranean Universities: application deadline
on February 20, 2006 >>> |

Version 2006: Città
Parallele. A Chicago, dal 20 Aprile al 6 maggio 2006. Scadenza per la
presentazione dei progetti: 28 Febbraio >>>
Version 2006: Parallel Cities.
April 20 - May 6, 2006 Chicago. Deadline for proposals: February 28,
2006 >>> |

Un messaggio dal profondo del cuore: Love
Difference sostiene la nuova campagna di Emergency per la costruzione
di un centro di cardiochirurgia in Sudan >>>
A message from the deep of the heart:
Love Difference supports the new Emergency’s campaign for the
construction of a heart-surgery center in Sudan>>> |

Cittadellarte alle Olimpiadi di Torino,
Love Difference a Livorno e Palermo: appuntamenti dall’8 al 20
febbraio >>>
Cittadellarte at Winter Olympic Games
in Turin, Love Difference in Livorno and Palermo: events 8 - 20 February
2006>>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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