LDN Love Difference News #37   23-02-2006

11th International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage. Deadline for application: March, the 15th 2006
The International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage is an international competition which takes place each year. Its prizes are awarded to audiovisual works – in the field of documentary filmmaking, reporting, and investigative film – that deal with topics and matters that are topical today in the cultural area of the Mediterranean, broadly speaking, ranging from the Atlantic coasts to the shores of the Black Sea. The purpose of the Prize, now at its 11th year, is to promote the broadcasting of the best quality and most creative audiovisuals, rewarding the originality of the contents and artistic expression of the works submitted.
The Prize is open to all television organizations (public or private), production structures (public, private, and associative), writers, directors, journalists, and documentary filmmakers who, through their works and programmes, promote the knowledge of the Mediterranean and its history, cultures, and traditions. Emphasis is placed on genres dealing with civil matters as well as artistic experimentation. Since 1996 the selection of the works has taken place at the CMCA headquarters in Marseilles, while the final phase of the event is held in Italy. Deadline: 15 March 2006.

Undicesimo Premio Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza per l'applicazione: 15 marzo 2006>>>

Sabato 25 febbraio a Cittadellarte assemblea dei soci Love Difference e convegno su Cipro: ospite H. Meyric Hughes, presidente di Manifesta 2006 >>>
Saturday 25th February at Cittadellarte, Love Difference Members’ third assembly and round table on Cyprus: special guest H. Meyric Hughes, President of Manifesta 2006 >>>

Love Difference all’inaugurazione del Salone Europeo dei Giovani Artisti a Genova: il 24 febbraio a Palazzo Ducale >>>
Love Difference at the opening of the European Exhibition for Young Artists in Genoa: February 24th at Palazzo Ducale >>>

Competenze manageriali strategiche per i manager dell’arte: un corso organizzato dalla European Cultural Foundation. Iscrizioni entro il 6 marzo 2006>>>
Strategic Management Skills for Art Managers: a six-days course organised by the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 6th March 2006 >>>

Il Maghreb dei libri, dodicesima edizione: Parigi, Hotel de Ville, 25-26 febbraio 2006 >>>
The Maghreb of the Books, 12th edition: Paris, Town Hall, February 25th - 26th, 2006>>>

L’ascesa dell’islam politico vista da Burgat e l’analisi di Morelli del conflitto come nuovo codice contemporaneo: due novità in libreria >>>
The rise of political Islam according to Burgat, Morelli’s analysis of the conflict as a new code: reading suggestions>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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