LDN Love Difference News #37   23-02-2006

The Maghreb of the Books, 12th edition: Paris, Town Hall, February 25th - 26th, 2006
The association “Coup de soleil” (Sunstroke), born 20 years ago, joins together Maghrébins and the French, residing in France or not, in order to emphasize what they carry, "their memories of lights and landscapes, their need to find the same odours, the same colors and the same music, as well as their vision of the world and their relationships with the others". To support the exchange and the communication between the two banks of the Mediterranean, the association organizes every year a meeting around the books, in order to bring together authors and the public and to discuss different issues. Special guest in 2002, Morocco returns this year. Many works, comics, novels, art books, essays will be showed to the public and more than 200 authors from Yasmina Khadra to Benjamin Stora, from Leïla Sebbar to Abdellatif Laabi, Albert Memmi and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, will come to sign their works. Reviews, magazines, discs will be also exposed and will be able to testify the vitality of the cultural life maghrébine, and Morrocan woman in particular, in France. Debates, exhibitions, films, concerts, and a coffee maure will also animate these two days. Four round tables will be organized and will treat respectively Moroccan literature, the Maghreb in 1956, evolutions of the family codes in the Maghreb, and issues of positive discrimination and equal opportunities. Five meetings will be animated by academics, writers or journalists. Homages will be carried to great writers: Mohamed Choukri, Haim Zafrani, Jamel Eddine Bencheikh Claudine Bencheikh and André Miquel. With the program also, handing-over of the prize Beur FM Méditerranée.

Il Maghreb dei libri, dodicesima edizione: Parigi, Hotel de Ville, 25-26 febbraio 2006 >>>

Sabato 25 febbraio a Cittadellarte assemblea dei soci Love Difference e convegno su Cipro: ospite H. Meyric Hughes, presidente di Manifesta 2006 >>>
Saturday 25th February at Cittadellarte, Love Difference Members’ third assembly and round table on Cyprus: special guest H. Meyric Hughes, President of Manifesta 2006 >>>

Love Difference all’inaugurazione del Salone Europeo dei Giovani Artisti a Genova: il 24 febbraio a Palazzo Ducale >>>
Love Difference at the opening of the European Exhibition for Young Artists in Genoa: February 24th at Palazzo Ducale >>>

Competenze manageriali strategiche per i manager dell’arte: un corso organizzato dalla European Cultural Foundation. Iscrizioni entro il 6 marzo 2006>>>
Strategic Management Skills for Art Managers: a six-days course organised by the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 6th March 2006 >>>

Undicesimo Premio Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza per l'applicazione: 15 marzo 2006 >>>
11th International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage. Deadline for application: March, the 15th 2006 >>>

L’ascesa dell’islam politico vista da Burgat e l’analisi di Morelli del conflitto come nuovo codice contemporaneo: due novità in libreria >>>
The rise of political Islam according to Burgat, Morelli’s analysis of the conflict as a new code: reading suggestions>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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