LDN Love Difference News #39

Call for project for artists and curators
at Rael Artel Gallery, Estonia: deadline: 15th of March 2006
Rael Artel Gallery: Non-Profit Project
Space announced that the programming of the summer season 2006 of
Rael Artel Gallery will be made via open call for projects. Rael Artel
Gallery: Non-Profit Project Space is a small project space in Pärnu,
Estonia, which main aim is to produce, present and promote young contemporary
art and curatorial practices both in national and international level.
Open and active in the summer-time only, in June 2006 the project
space will start its 3rd season. In the coming season Rael Artel Gallery:
Non-Profit Project Space would like to concentrate on the question
of space as one of the core issue within the wider spectrum of the
contemporary art. Reflecting space is the directing slogan
that should drive the season: artists as well as curators are invited
to work with the particular phycical or emotional space in Pärnu.
Site-specific as well as site-sensitive projects are welcome: Pärnu
is an old health resort on the shore of Baltic Sea which should be
treated as a possible scene for artists interventions.
Rael Artel Gallery: Non-Profit Project Space is a non-profit exhibition
space, and it is funded by the local governmental institutions as
well as private sponsors. The gallery does not give any grants, all
projects will be realised in close collaboration between all parties.
Creative solutions for funding the realisation of projects are always
welcome. The description of the idea of the show and the provisional
list of artists (with some examples of the works and CVs in case of
curatorial project) or CV and portfolio (in case of solo shows) are
needed to make a proposal. Deadline: 15th of March, 2006.
Bando di partecipazione per artisti
e curatori alla Rael Artel Gallery, Estonia. Scadenza: 15 marzo 2006>>>

A Cittadellarte la Terza Assemblea dei soci Love Difference: illustrate
le attività del 2005 e i progetti per il 2006, approvato il bilancio
The Third Assembly of Love Difference
Members in Cittadellarte: in the agenda, 2005 activities, projects for
2006, budget approval >>> |

Neterotopia: un progetto NICC
e Love Difference in collaborazione con Cittadellarte, Palais de Tokyo
e Careof. In mostra a Parigi, Anversa e Milano dal 16 al 31 marzo 2006
Neterotopia: a project by NICC
and Love Difference, in collaboration with Cittadellarte, Palais de
Tokyo and Careof. On display in Paris, Anversa and Milan 16-31 March
2006 >>> |

Nomads + Residents' Traveling Magazine Table
a Iaspis, Svezia: bando di partecipazione per periodici di arte. Scadenza:
15 marzo 2006 >>>
Nomads + Residents' Traveling Magazine
Table in Iaspis, Sweden: open call for art magazines. Deadline: 15 March
2006 >>> |

Bando di iscrizione per la Florence School
in Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development, Seconda sessione (15
- 30 giugno 2006). Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 marzo 2006 >>>
Call for Applications: Florence School
in Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development: Second Session 15–30
June 2006. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2006 >>> |

Settimo meeting di ricerca sociale e politica
del Mediterraneo: Firenze, 22-26 marzo del 2006 >>>
Seventh Mediterranean Social and Political
Research Meeting: Florence, 22-26 March 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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