LDN Love Difference News #39

Call for Applications: Florence School
in Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development: Second Session 15–30
June 2006. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2006
The Florence School on Euro-Mediterranean
Migration and Development offers post-graduate studies and a professional
training in the field of migration studies, focussing particularly
on the area formed by Europe and the countries to the South and East
of the Mediterranean. The School analyses the various interactions
between migration and development of both the regions of origin and
those of destination; migration policies and the regulation of migration;
and integration processes. Research work will accompany teaching activities.
The School is designed for a maximum number of 30 participants, primarily
nationals and residents in Europe or in non-European Mediterranean
countries. Participants should have a strong research and/or professional
background in the field of international migration in the Euro-Mediterranean
area. Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, as well as civil servants
and professionals from intergovernmental and governmental agencies
working in areas closely connected with migration issues are eligible.
The Session starts on 15 June and ends on 30 June 2006. Scholarships
which will cover travel costs for non-resident students will be made
available for up to 20 participants; accommodation (including breakfast)
for up to 20 non-resident students will be made available for the
entire period. Up to 10 participants will be admitted without grant.
Applications must be received by 15 March 2006.
Bando di iscrizione per la Florence
School in Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development, Seconda sessione
(15 - 30 giugno 2006). Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 marzo 2006>>>

A Cittadellarte la Terza Assemblea dei soci Love Difference: illustrate
le attività del 2005 e i progetti per il 2006, approvato il bilancio
The Third Assembly of Love Difference
Members in Cittadellarte: in the agenda, 2005 activities, projects for
2006, budget approval >>> |

Neterotopia: un progetto NICC
e Love Difference in collaborazione con Cittadellarte, Palais de Tokyo
e Careof. In mostra a Parigi, Anversa e Milano dal 16 al 31 marzo 2006
Neterotopia: a project by NICC
and Love Difference, in collaboration with Cittadellarte, Palais de
Tokyo and Careof. On display in Paris, Anversa and Milan 16-31 March
2006 >>> |

Bando di partecipazione per artisti e curatori
alla Rael Artel Gallery, Estonia. Scadenza: 15 marzo 2006 >>>
Call for project for artists and curators
at Rael Artel Gallery, Estonia: deadline: 15th of March 2006
>>> |

Nomads + Residents' Traveling Magazine Table
a Iaspis, Svezia: bando di partecipazione per periodici di arte. Scadenza:
15 marzo 2006 >>>
Nomads + Residents' Traveling Magazine
Table in Iaspis, Sweden: open call for art magazines. Deadline: 15 March
2006 >>> |

Settimo meeting di ricerca sociale e politica
del Mediterraneo: Firenze, 22-26 marzo del 2006 >>>
Seventh Mediterranean Social and Political
Research Meeting: Florence, 22-26 March 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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