LDN Love Difference News #40   23-03-2006

Seminar: Interculture, Arts and Communication. Turin, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 3rd April 2006
The Association Africa e Mediterraneo proposes a seminar aimed to reflect upon the rule of arts and communication in the reciprocal knowledge and the exchange between cultures. We will start from some questions and critical points: How and why can we define "intercultural" an action? Which methodologies are more effective? How can we obtain participation? What can we define useless in intercultural acrivities? We will try to answer these questions trough the comparison between theorist interpretations and practices in the fields of arts and communication: general points of view on disciplines and phenomena will be alternated to concrete experiences. Speakers, among others: Sandra Federici, Ivan Bargna, Iolanda Pensa, Anna Paola Mossetto, Federico Montanari.
This seminar is part of the research work Interculture Map, which intends to observe the intercultural panorama in Europe through different maps. The research analyses different areas where an intercultural practice can be realised: media, arts, education, research and social life. The next seminars are foreseen in Genova (on interculture, education and social life, June 2006), Huelva (14 June 2006), Prague (20 October 2006) and Brussels (1 December 2006). The participation is free, under registration.

Info: redazione@africaemediterraneo.it

Giornata di studio su Intercultura, Arti e Comunicazione: Torino, Fondazione Agnelli, 3 aprile 2006>>>

Da cose nasce cosa... su cosa cooperare? Bando di partecipazione al workshop di Love Difference sulla progettazione interdisciplinare partecipata a Gorizia - Nova Gorica. Scadenza: 30 marzo >>>
Da cose nasce cosa... what to co-operate on? Love Difference workshop on creative processes for responsible social transformation in Gorizia - Nova Gorica. Call for applications deadline: March 30th, 2006 >>>

Da Sud a Nord: in luglio un corso di formazione e un laboratorio artistico nell'accampamento di Baddawi, Libano>>>
From South to North: in July a training and artistic creation workshop in july in Baddawi camp, Lebanon >>>

Questa non è una bocciofila: Bocciami, di Beatrice Catanzaro e Michele Fontana, ai Giardini di Via Palestro a Milano dal 23 al 26 marzo 2006 >>>
This is not a bowling club: Bocciami, by Beatrice Catanzaro and Michele Fontana at Public Gardens in Via Palestro - Milan, 23 - 26 March 2006 >>>

Bando di iscrizione all'International Cultural University di Parigi, anno accademico 2006-2007. Scadenza per le domande di ammissione: 14 Aprile 2006 >>>
Call for applications at International Cultural University in Paris – September 2006 - July 2007. Deadline for applications: April 14, 2006 >>>

Bosnia – Erzegovina: la ricostruzione delle città multiculturali. Seminario internazionale: Portogruaro, 23-24 marzo 2006 >>>
Bosnia - Herzegovina: the reconstruction of the multicultural cities. International Seminar: Portogruaro, 23-24 March 2006 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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