LDN Love Difference News #41   05-04-2006

The Europe Parade: call for proposals for the 5th Street Arts Techical Meeting in Barcelona. Deadline: April 30 2006
The 5th Street Arts Technical Meeting will take place in Barcelona on the next September, 23rd.
Artists, programmers and all the people dealing with creation in public space will be given the opportunity to share ideas and experiences. This year, the meeting will focus on: “The Europe Parade, citizens’ cultural parades”.
Nowadays, these parades represents distinguished events beyond the festival calendar of cities like Brussels, Lyon, Belfast, Saragossa, and offers a creative response to the social and cultural moment of Europe - a singular context characterized by globalization, intercultural dialogue, manners and cultures overcrowding, confusion of identities, distress of rising generations.
The 5th Technical day of Street arts in Barcelona wants to treat this cultural fact; organizers are seeking for the point of view of: artists and technicians who are producing the parades, artists and technicians producing creation in public space, entities and local authorities, experts in the cultural field who have a theoretical and political approach to this phenomenon.
Proposals can be forwarded through the web site of the Technical Day by the end of April.

Europe Parade: bando di partecipazione al 5° Incontro sulle Arti di Strada di Barcellona. Scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte: 30 aprile 2006>>>

Bledi in progress part III: si conclude ad Algeri il workshop organizzato da Katia Kameli con la proiezione delle opere dei partecipanti>>>
Bledi in progress part III: closing of the workshop organized by Katia Kameli in Algiers with the projection of the works of the participants>>>

Navigare sul Nilo per gli MDGs: lancio del progetto con una mostra. Il 7 aprile 2006 ad Alessandria d’Egitto>>>
Sailing the Nile for MDGs: starting the project with an exhibition. Alexandria, Egypt, April 7 2006 >>>

Studi su arte e politica nell’Europa Orientale: bando di partecipazione al convegno di Kaunas, Lituania. Scadenza: il 20 aprile 2006 >>>
Call for papers for “Art and Politics: Case Studies from Eastern Europe”, to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania. Deadline: 20 April 2006 >>>

Arte x Vino = Acqua: un aggiornamento da Arte Continua sul progetto a cui collaborano Love Difference e Cittadellarte >>>
Art x Wine = Water: news from Arte Continua on the project realised together with Love Difference and Cittadellarte >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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