LDN Love Difference News #41   05-04-2006

Call for papers for “Art and Politics: Case Studies from Eastern Europe”, to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania. Deadline: 20 April 2006
The Art Institute of the Vytautas Magnus University, is organizing a conference entitled “Art and Politics: Case Studies from Eastern Europe”, to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 26-27 October 2006. The conference aims to bring together different case studies on art and politics in order to analyze the complex relationship between artistic and political regimes as well as political meanings of art in Soviet and Post-Soviet conditions. The following topics will be discussed: subversions of political art in non-democratic state; cultural policy and culture as resistance; in search of panacea: resistance, transgression, appropriation; critique of representation and creating of new myths; aesthetical norms and/or national style; self identities (autobiography, body, individual mythologies) in the sidelines of regime; ideological art and artistic ideologies.
Participants are requested to submit their papers in the form of case studies using a particular artifact, event or phenomenon as the grounds for research of a broader problem focused on the varied intersections of art and politics. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes. A publication of conference proceedings is also planned. Abstracts of 250-300 words, accompanied with a short CV, should be submitted by 20 April 2006. Accepted papers will be notified by 2 May 2006.
e-mail: Linara_Dovydaityte@fc.vdu.lt and Jurate_Tutlyte@fc.vdu.lt

Studi su arte e politica nell’Europa Orientale: bando di partecipazione al convegno di Kaunas, Lituania. Scadenza: il 20 aprile 2006>>>

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Bledi in progress part III: closing of the workshop organized by Katia Kameli in Algiers with the projection of the works of the participants>>>

Navigare sul Nilo per gli MDGs: lancio del progetto con una mostra. Il 7 aprile 2006 ad Alessandria d’Egitto>>>
Sailing the Nile for MDGs: starting the project with an exhibition. Alexandria, Egypt, April 7 2006 >>>

Europe Parade: bando di partecipazione al 5° Incontro sulle Arti di Strada di Barcellona. Scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte: 30 aprile 2006 >>>
The Europe Parade: call for proposals for the 5th Street Arts Techical Meeting in Barcelona. Deadline: April 30 2006 >>>

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Art x Wine = Water: news from Arte Continua on the project realised together with Love Difference and Cittadellarte >>>

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