LDN Love Difference News #42

EUnetART Annual Meeting: art organisations
for children and young people will meet in Zurich, 10-14 May 2006
The European Network of Art Organisations
for Children and Young People is organising its annual conference
(Zürich, 10-14th May) in collaboration with the Zürich School
of Music, Drama and Dance. The EUnetART Annual Meeting is the yearly
gathering of members to exchange ideas, explore each other's working
methods and to lay the bases for collaborative projects. The host
for 2006 edition is Theater an der Sihl, the professionally managed
theatre of Drama Departure of the Zurich School of Music, Drama and
Dance which produces creations for children and young people as well
as for adults.
The themes of the meeting will be: artistic work inside and outside
schools; the relationship between process and outcome; virtual worlds
and real experiences; do children need a separate space for art and
The programme features working visits to different locations in Zürich,
discussion groups with young people, presentations by members and
several performances. There will be ample opportunity to get to know
each other and to discuss specific topics.
Congresso annuale di EUnetART: le organizzazioni
di arte per bambini e giovani si incontrano a Zurigo il 10-14 maggio

Inaugurazione dell'opera di Michelangelo Pistoletto & Love Difference
all'Università di Anversa>>>
Unveiling of the work by Michelangelo
Pistoletto & Love Difference at the University of Antwerp>>> |

Europoly alla Festa dell'Europa: Milano, Mazda Palace, 9 maggio '06>>>
Europoly at Europe Day in Italy: Milan,
Mazda Palace, 9 May 2006 >>> |

Mobilità nello spazio euro-mediterraneo:
Cimetta Fund organizza in Marocco "l’assise" della mobilità
(11-14 maggio 2006) >>>
Mobility in the Euromed space: Cimetta
Fund organises in Morocco the “Assises” of mobility (May
11-14) >>> |

Bando di partecipazione alla conferenza di
CDIME “Muoversi: la personificazione nella musica trans-culturale
e nell’insegnamento della danza”. Scadenza: 15 Maggio 2006
Call for paper for CDIME conference “Moving
on: embodiment in transcultural music and dance education”. Deadline:
May 15 2006 >>> |

Residenze per artisti in Giordania, Spagna
ed Europa sud-orientale. Scadenze per le domande: 30 Aprile 1 Maggio
2006 >>>
Residences for artists in Jordan, Spain,
and South-East Europe. Deadlines for applications: April 30 and May
1, 2006 >>> |

Torino Food Market Festival: dal 21 al 23
aprile i mercati del mondo si incontrano a Torino >>>
Turin Food Market Festival: food markets
from around the world meet in Turin, 21-23 April 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural