Turin Food Market Festival: food markets
from around the world meet in Turin, 21-23 April 2006
From the 21st to the 23rd of April, Porta
Palazzo market in Turin will extend its borders. Hundreds of stalls
will offer to the visitors the best of food and handycraft production
from all Europe. A huge market will invade Corso Sain Maurizio, the
Roman quadrilateral and Villaggio Dora, up to the Maglio Courtyard,
exposing alimentary productions from all the regions of Europe, street
food, and products from the mountains. Meetings, exhibitions, street
band and world music, workshops, tastings and much more, will animate
days nights in Turin, strarting from the renewed Piazza della Repubblica.
The second edition of the Turin Food Market Festival comes from an
idea Piedmont Academy for Mediterranean Food, and is promoted and
supported by the City of Turin, The Gate, Agriteco, AIAB Piemonte,
ANVA-Confesercenti, Bio-Cities, Coldiretti Regionale of Piemonte and
FIVA. On Friday 21, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 of April, Palafuksas
will host various initiatives to create an awarness in citizens, teachers
and operators of the "values" that stay at the basis of
the project: promotion of regional products, thematic exhibitions,
workshops and guided tastings, video-spaces, conferences, meetinga,
Torino Food Market Festival: dal 21
al 23 aprile i mercati del mondo si incontrano a Torino>>>