LDN Love Difference News #44

“One thing leads to another”:
conclusions from Love Difference workshop on creative processes for
responsible social transformation to be published on Saturday 20th
of May 2006
On Saturday, May 20th within Modidi’s area at Villa Manin in
Passariano (Udine, Italy), conclusions will be published from Cittadellarte-Love
Difference’s workshop on inter-disciplinary planning, held in
Gorizia – Nova Gorica in April and May (LDN#40).
The workshop, promoted by Modidi with the support of the Friuli Venezia
Giulia Region, was conducted by Love Difference and Cittadellarte
with the participation of Artway of Thinking, Ezio Scatolini –
psychologist , and Stefano Boccalini – artist.
Aim of the workshop was the interdisciplinary analysis of the territory
of Gorizia – Nova Gorica, understanding the limits linked with
the separation, and the intrinsic potential for relationships and
confrontation between different people and socio-cultural realities.
For further information: info@lovedifference.org
“Da cose nasce cosa”: sabato
20 maggio presentazione delle conclusioni del workshop di Love Difference
sulla progettazione interdisciplinare partecipata>>>

Il 5 per mille a Cittadellarte: un altro modo per sostenere i progetti
di Love Difference>>>
Support Love Difference by signing for
Cittadellarte on your income-tax declaration (only for taxpayers in
Italy!)>>> |

Master in Progetti Culturali per lo Sviluppo
all’International Training Centre dell’ILO di Torino. Scadenza
per le domande di ammissione: 31 maggio 2006 >>>
Master in Cultural Projects for Development
at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin (Italy). Deadline
for applications: May 31, 2006 >>> |

Anna Lindh Foundation: sei tematiche prioritarie
per il 2006 – bando di concorso. Scadenza per la presentazione
dei progetti: 1 giugno 2006 >>>
Anna Lindh Foundation: Six thematic priorities
for 2006 – call for proposals. Deadline for submissions: June
1, 2006 >>> |

Trieste Contemporanea: settima edizione del
concorso internazionale di design dell’Europa Centro-orientale.
Scadenza per la presentazione dei progetti: 31 maggio 2006 >>>
Trieste Contemporanea: seventh international
design competition for Central-Eastern European designers. Deadline
for proposals: May 31, 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean