LDN Love Difference News #45   18-05-2006

Check-in Europe. Reflecting Identities in Contemporary Art. Munich, 18 May - 13 July 2006
From 18 May to 13 July 2006, the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich (Germany) will be exhibiting works by 47 young artists on the theme of identity in Europe. The artists are from the 31 member states of the European Patent Organisation. Under the title "Check-in Europe: Reflecting Identities in Contemporary Art", they will address the central topic from a variety of angles and in a range of media, from painting, drawing and photography to sculpture and video installations.The exhibition is the first part of a two-year project. It has been assembled by five international curators: Marius Babias (Romania/Germany), Beral Madra ( Turkey), Marketta Seppälä ( Finland) / Veronica Wiman ( Sweden) and Erno Vroonen (Belgium). The list of featured artists includes a number of prominent names: Hussein Chalayan, Asta Gröting, Lia Perjovschi, Daniel Knorr, Regina Möller, Frida Fjellman and Róza El-Hassan, and the photographer and Turner Prize winner Richard Billingham.
The first two sections of the exhibitions are located in the EPO's main building at Erhardtstrasse 27; "Identity Fusion" presents works which challenge the notions of identity, ethnicity and nationalism, while exploring new potential forms of community in the Europe of the future; "p2p" (peer-to-peer) provides a platform for constructing possibilities of identity in the age of the internet. The third part of the exhibition, "Urbanscape/Innerscape/Socioscape", is located in the newly opened Phase VII building at Bayerstrasse 115; this section inspects the traces of collective memory in the urban landscape and seeks to sharpen the individual perception of everyday reality.
The exhibition will be open until the 13th of July 2006.

Check-in Europe. Riflessi di identità nell’arte contemporanea. Monaco, 18 maggio – 13 luglio 2006>>>

Love Difference e Cittadellarte al ReMida Day: “Da cosa nasce cosa... Su cosa cooperare?”, “Italia in persona” e “Riciclare all'infinito”. Villa Manin, 20 maggio 2006>>>
Love Difference and Cittadellarte at ReMida Day: “Da cose nasce cosa... What to co-operate on?”, “Italy in person” and “Neverending Recycling”. Villa Manin, 20 May 2006>>>

Designing politics – the politics of design. Bando di concorso all’IFG in Ulm; scadenza: 31 maggio 2006 >>>
Designing politics – the politics of design. Call for project at IFG in Ulm, deadline: May 31, 2006 >>>

Nuovo fondo per la cultura dei Balcani alla European Cultural Foundation. Scadenza per le domande: 1 luglio 2006 >>>
New Cultural Funding for the Balkans from the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2006 >>>

Il senso della città: una mostra al Canadian Centre for Architecture e un libro a cura di Mirko Zardini >>>
The Sense of the City: an exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture and a book by Mirko Zardini >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic