LDN Love Difference News #45

Designing politics – the politics
of design. Call for project at IFG in Ulm, deadline: May 31, 2006
Conducting a discourse on the social responsibility
of the designer and defining the democratic quality of design, the
International Design Forum (IFG) Ulm, Germany announces its public
call for project proposals addressing the topic of the relationship
design-politics. Ulm is the place in the world that has set itself
the task of conducting a discourse on the social responsibility of
the designer and defining the democratic quality of design. IFG Ulm
continues to represent the conviction that the work of designers and
architects cannot be reduced to aesthetic, technical and commercial
factors. Design always rests on a social and political foundation,
and acts upon that foundation in return. With the promotion programme
“Designing politics – The politics of design” in
2006, IFG Ulm is taking up this discourse which started over 50 years
ago, and is investigating its current relevance. Today, Ulm is once
again searching for what is different. Ulm is looking for examples
of projects which make the change from an economy of reification to
an ecology of transformation. Projects which are dedicated to processes
of becoming. Projects which direct their gaze behind the surface of
the design process and which reveal that design diffuses transformational
action into the space occupied by commercial and political decision-making.
IFG Ulm's promotion programme is intended to encourage projects to
develop consequences which leave a lasting mark on our social and
physical environment.The promotion programme creates free space for
an autonomous, critical examination of current social processes. Applications
for the 50.000 € grant must arrive by 31 May 2005.
Designing politics – the politics
of design. Bando di concorso all’IFG in Ulm; scadenza: 31 maggio

Love Difference e Cittadellarte al ReMida Day: “Da cosa nasce
cosa... Su cosa cooperare?”, “Italia in persona” e
“Riciclare all'infinito”. Villa Manin, 20 maggio 2006>>>
Love Difference and Cittadellarte at ReMida
Day: “Da cose nasce cosa... What to co-operate on?”, “Italy
in person” and “Neverending Recycling”. Villa Manin,
20 May 2006>>> |

Check-in Europe. Riflessi di identità nell’arte contemporanea.
Monaco, 18 maggio – 13 luglio 2006>>>
Check-in Europe. Reflecting Identities
in Contemporary Art. Munich, 18 May - 13 July 2006 >>> |

Nuovo fondo per la cultura dei Balcani alla
European Cultural Foundation. Scadenza per le domande: 1 luglio 2006
New Cultural Funding for the Balkans from
the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 1 July
2006 >>> |

Il senso della città: una mostra al
Canadian Centre for Architecture e un libro a cura di Mirko Zardini
The Sense of the City: an exhibition at
the Canadian Centre for Architecture and a book by Mirko Zardini >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean