LDN Love Difference News #46

Love Difference in search for Mediterranean
seats to be exhibited around Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Love
Difference Table
Love Difference will participate to 2006
edition of Art at the Center (Cittadellarte, June 23 to November 12,
2006) with the “Mediterranean Table - Love Difference”,
the mirror table by Michelangelo Pistoletto, in the shape of the Mediterranean
Sea. Around the table, seats from various Countries facing onto the
Mediterranean will find their place.
Love Difference seeks to renew the set of seats of the installation,
and therefore launches a “call for seats” to friends,
members and supporters of the Movement. Anyone wishing to propose
a seat (chair, carpet, small bench), which should be representative
of a Country of the Mediterranean, is kindly asked to contact us.
Love Difference will take care of the transport and all the details
of the preparation.
Contacts: Emanuela Baldi +39 348 2119586, joinus@lovedifference.org
Difference alla ricerca delle sedute del Mediterraneo per l’esposizione
del Tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto>>>

“Situazioni di emergenza: il caso Farkadona”: Love Difference
al workshop sui processi partecipati di auto-determinazione >>>
“Emergency case situations: Farkadona
case”: Love Difference at the workshop on participatory devices
and processes of auto-organization >>> |

Bando di partecipazione ad ARCfest a Toronto
e alla residenza per artisti di Triangle (Marsiglia). Scadenze: 12 e
25 giugno 2006 >>>
Call for proposals at ARCfest in Toronto.
Applications for residency at Trianlge (Marseille). Deadlines: 12 and
25 June 2006 >>> |

Una borsa di studio della Provincia di Biella
per partecipare ad Unidee 2006: scadenza per la domanda: 10 giugno 2006
UNIDEE in Residence 2006: Provincia di
Biella grant for a Biellese creative (deadline: 10th June 2006) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean