LDN Love Difference News #46

Call for proposals at ARCfest in Toronto.
Applications for residency at Trianlge (Marseille). Deadlines: 12
and 25 June 2006
ARCfest is a Social Justice Arts Festival
that will be held from October 23rd-29th 2006 in Toronto, Canada.
It features art events, panel discussions, speakers, and workshops
addressing local social justice issues. All proposals, i.e provocative,
radical, inspiring, empowering, innovative and/or enlightening works
from across the artistic media must address local social justice/activist/human
rights issues.
Deadline on the 12th of June 2006.
Triangle France (Marseille) published a call for a 3 to 6 months artist
residency starting from september 2006. Portofolio must include: pictures,
text presenting the work, CV + CD or DVD (for video), availability
of the artist, stamped enveloppe for return of the portofolio.
Conditions offered : free studio, accomodation (100 euros/ month/
artist in a shared appartment), production grant on project (maximum
1000 euros on presentation of invoices). Travel cost will not be included.
Applications must be submitted by the 25th of June 2006.
Bando di partecipazione ad ARCfest a
Toronto e alla residenza per artisti di Triangle (Marsiglia). Scadenze:
12 e 25 giugno 2006>>>

“Situazioni di emergenza: il caso Farkadona”: Love Difference
al workshop sui processi partecipati di auto-determinazione >>>
“Emergency case situations: Farkadona
case”: Love Difference at the workshop on participatory devices
and processes of auto-organization >>> |

Love Difference alla ricerca delle sedute del Mediterraneo per l’esposizione
del Tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto >>>
Love Difference in search for Mediterranean
seats to be exhibited around Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Love Difference
Table >>> |

Una borsa di studio della Provincia di Biella
per partecipare ad Unidee 2006: scadenza per la domanda: 10 giugno 2006
UNIDEE in Residence 2006: Provincia di
Biella grant for a Biellese creative (deadline: 10th June 2006) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean