LDN Love Difference News #49   13-07-2006

ReMida in Biella: workshops at the Children Festival of Biella, September 9-10 2006
ReMida is a cultural project born in Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 1996, presenting a new way to think of ecology by increasing the value of discarded things as something useful to live a creative and educational experience, while respecting the environment. The network counts today six centres of creative recycling in Italy and two abroad (Denmark and Australia), while a new one is expected in September in Biella (Italy), within Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto. ReMida project will meet the work done in the past years by Michelangelo Pistoletto and the international artists in Cittadellarte: the ReMida project will meet in Biella Pistoletto’s and Cittadellarte’s idea of responsible creativity, drawn in Venice Bienial through the concept of “Third Paradise”.
A first part of ReMida centre in Biella is already exhibited at Cittadellarte’s exhibition “Art at the Centre of a Responsible Social Transformation 2006: the game”. On September 9-10, within the Children Festival in Biella, the new ReMida Centre will organize its first workshops in Piazza del Monte: Third Paradise, The Creative Recycling Day, and a Cinema Workshop, in collaboration with the Educational Department of Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art.

ReMida a Biella: primi laboratori al Festival Bi come Bambini a Biella, 9-10 settembre 2006>>>

ECF finanzia il progetto Europoly di Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euro per realizzare una serie di mostre in Europa>>>
ECF awarded Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euros to realize exhibitions and debates through Europe >>>

Lost Highway Expedition: artisti in viaggio da Lubiana a Sarajevo dal 24 luglio al 30 agosto 2006 >>>
Lost Highway Expedition: artists travelling from Ljubljana to sarajevo, 2006, July 30 - August 24 2006 >>>

Mobile.Home: un progetto per la mobilità delle arti e degli artisti attraverso l’Europa >>>
Mobile.Home: a project for the movement of arts and artists through Europe >>>

13° Simposio Mediterraneo di Etnologia - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Scadenza per le domande di partecipazione: 24 luglio >>>
13th Mediterranean Ethnological Summer Symposium - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Deadline for application: 24 July >>>

Cancellata la sesta edizione di Manifesta (per ora) >>>
Cancellation of the sixth edition of Manifesta (for now) >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic