LDN Love Difference News #49   13-07-2006

Lost Highway Expedition: artists travelling from Ljubljana to sarajevo, 2006, July 30 - August 24 2006
Europe Lost and Found is a long-term, interdisciplinary and multi-national research project into the economic, political and cultural geographies of future Europe. It begins in the summer of 2006 with the Lost Highway Expedition, a journey through the cities of the Western Balkans. In 2007, Ljubljana exhibitions will follow in Moderna galerija and in the Škuc Gallery, while in 2008 the journey will proceed through the cities of Western Europe.
A massive movement of individuals will pass through Ljubljana, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Skopje, Priština, Tirana, Podgorica and Sarajevo. The expedition will generate new projects, new art works, networks, architecture and politics based on experience and knowledge found along the highway. Experience, documentation and projects developed from the expedition will lead to exhibitions, publications and symposia in Stuttgart and Ljubljana in 2007 as well as conference at Columbia university in New York in the Fall of 2006.
LHE is initiated and organized by the School of Missing Studies and Centrala Foundation for Future Cities including: Azra Akšamija, Katherine Carl, Ana Dzokic, Ivan Kucina, Marc Neelen, Kyong Park, Marjetica Potrc and Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss, together with project partners in the cities of the Lost Highway Expedition.

Lost Highway Expedition: artisti in viaggio da Lubiana a Sarajevo dal 24 luglio al 30 agosto 2006>>>

ECF finanzia il progetto Europoly di Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euro per realizzare una serie di mostre in Europa>>>
ECF awarded Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euros to realize exhibitions and debates through Europe >>>

ReMida a Biella: primi laboratori al Festival Bi come Bambini a Biella, 9-10 settembre 2006 >>>
ReMida in Biella: workshops at the Children Festival of Biella, September 9-10 2006 >>>

Mobile.Home: un progetto per la mobilità delle arti e degli artisti attraverso l’Europa >>>
Mobile.Home: a project for the movement of arts and artists through Europe >>>

13° Simposio Mediterraneo di Etnologia - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Scadenza per le domande di partecipazione: 24 luglio >>>
13th Mediterranean Ethnological Summer Symposium - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Deadline for application: 24 July >>>

Cancellata la sesta edizione di Manifesta (per ora) >>>
Cancellation of the sixth edition of Manifesta (for now) >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic