LDN Love Difference News #49   13-07-2006

Cancellation of the sixth edition of Manifesta (for now)
Manifesta 6 has been cancelled. The travelling art biennial, launched in 1996 in Rotterdam and subsequently held in Luxemburg, Ljubljana, Frankfurt and San Sebastian, was due to open in Nicosia on 23 September of this year. The city council has revoked the contract of the three curators, Abu ElDahab, Anton Vidokle and Florian Waldvogel.
Manifesta 6, planned as a temporary school lasting twelve weeks, shaped an attempt to think of a single Nicosia connected by art and culture, spreading activities on both sides of the boundary. Despite the sudden interruption, the Manifesta Foundation and the curators are thinking of ways to carry out work that has attracted the interest and support of the island’s artistic and cultural scene.

Cancellata la sesta edizione di Manifesta (per ora)>>>

ECF finanzia il progetto Europoly di Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euro per realizzare una serie di mostre in Europa>>>
ECF awarded Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic: 15.000 euros to realize exhibitions and debates through Europe >>>

ReMida a Biella: primi laboratori al Festival Bi come Bambini a Biella, 9-10 settembre 2006 >>>
ReMida in Biella: workshops at the Children Festival of Biella, September 9-10 2006 >>>

Lost Highway Expedition: artisti in viaggio da Lubiana a Sarajevo dal 24 luglio al 30 agosto 2006 >>>
Lost Highway Expedition: artists travelling from Ljubljana to sarajevo, 2006, July 30 - August 24 2006 >>>

Mobile.Home: un progetto per la mobilità delle arti e degli artisti attraverso l’Europa >>>
Mobile.Home: a project for the movement of arts and artists through Europe >>>

13° Simposio Mediterraneo di Etnologia - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Scadenza per le domande di partecipazione: 24 luglio >>>
13th Mediterranean Ethnological Summer Symposium - Ramses² Summer School in Slovenia. Deadline for application: 24 July >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic