LDN Love Difference News #50   27-07-2006

Nisi Masa short film script contest: application deadline 31 July 2006
The 5th NISI MASA short film script writing contest has now been officially launched; the competition will be open to any person whose nationality or country of residency, on the day he/she sends his/her candidature, is of one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo (UN administration), Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. He/she must be between 18 and 28 years of age on the closing date of the competition, 31/07/2006. The general topic of the competition is "Tourists". The competing scripts must be strongly related to this theme. In each country where the competition takes place, the local NISI MASA group will constitute a reading board to proceed with the selection of from one to three scripts, which will be allowed to compete on an international level. NISI MASA will then form an international jury, made of members of all the national NISI MASA groups, with additional consultation provided by one or several established film professionals (a G.R.E.C. representative, producers, directors, scriptwriters, critics, etc.). Three European prizes will be presented: the G.R.E.C. prize, financed by the G.R.E.C. (Groupement de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques), worth 15.700 Euros, and two NISI MASA PRIZES, worth 5.700 Euros each. Among the partners: the French magazine “Positif”, the French Ministry for Youth, the European Council, the Youth Programme of the European Union, GREC, European Cultural Foundation, Fondation Hyppocrène, Ltv, TV5.
Scripts must be typed and must not exceed 20 000 characters (including punctuation marks).

Concorso internazionale di sceneggiatura Nisi Masa: iscrizioni entro il 31 luglio 2006>>>

Love Difference al Festival di Arte Contemporanea di Momiano (Croazia), 4-8 agosto 2006>>>
Love Difference at Momiano Art Festival in Croatia, 4-8 August 2006 >>>

“Giovani messaggeri di dialogo tra le culture”: un premio della Fondazione Euro-mediterranea Anna Lindh. Iscrizioni entro il 31 agosto >>>
“Youth messengers for dialogue between cultures”: a prize awarded by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation. Deadline for participation: 31 August >>>

Premio Innovact per l’imprenditoria giovanile: iscrizioni entro il 1 settembre 2006 >>>
European Young Entrepreneurs Awards Innovact: deadline for applications September 1, 2006 >>>

Lavori in corso: il progetto “Passatempo” del Gruppo Love Difference di Milano >>>
“Pastime project” by Love Difference Office in Milan >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic