LDN Love Difference News #50

“Pastime project” by Love Difference
Office in Milan
Love Difference Milanese Office (Pippa
Bacca, Alberto Mazza, Arianna Panarella, Noemi Satta, with the co-ordination
of Maria Chiara Piraccini) has developed the project “Pastime”.
It is a programme starting from some concrete requirements: experimenting
new methodologies of participation in urban contexts; analysing Milan,
the perception and the description of the city’s life through
a topic, useful in describing the contemporary dimension; using and
to sharing creative practices in order to induce reflection on a social
Pastime project is shaped as a survey on the “times” of
contemporary Milan. The look is focused on the city through the lens
of time and the majority of meanings time holds today, in the life
of people. The exploration on the field has been lead with qualitative
and conversed interviews, and with contributions collected in several
occasions during meetings and temporary exhibition realized within
Isola Art Center, actively collaborating with Love Difference. At
the present, the results of the research compose a mosaic of thoughts,
telling us of the incidence of the fragmentary rhythms in the daily
life, but also of many issues concerning experiences, memories, intimacy
of the persons involved. Results will be translated into a multifarious
and open definition of time, intended for the reappropriation, through
the differences, of one new humanity of time.
Lavori in corso: il progetto “Passatempo”
del Gruppo Love Difference di Milano>>>

Love Difference al Festival di Arte Contemporanea di Momiano (Croazia),
4-8 agosto 2006>>>
Love Difference at Momiano Art Festival
in Croatia, 4-8 August 2006 >>> |

“Giovani messaggeri di dialogo tra le culture”: un premio
della Fondazione Euro-mediterranea Anna Lindh. Iscrizioni entro il 31
agosto >>>
“Youth messengers for dialogue between
cultures”: a prize awarded by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean
Foundation. Deadline for participation: 31 August >>> |

Premio Innovact per l’imprenditoria
giovanile: iscrizioni entro il 1 settembre 2006 >>>
European Young Entrepreneurs Awards Innovact:
deadline for applications September 1, 2006 >>> |

Concorso internazionale di sceneggiatura
Nisi Masa: iscrizioni entro il 31 luglio 2006 >>>
Nisi Masa short film script contest: application
deadline 31 July 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic