LDN Love Difference News #51

ACMA - Italian Centre for Architecture
- and the Contemporary Landscape Lab together for 2007 programme
ACMA - Italian Centre for Architecture
– supports 2007 programme of the Contemporary Landscape Lab:
a range of cultural and educational activities aiming to make of Milan
a point of reference within the debate of the European design culture
and, at the same time, offering professional architects, graduated,
and students the opportunity to attend post-graduate courses, which
are generally offered abroad. An international Master in Landscape
Architecture, a design lab, workshops, seminaries, study trips: the
Landscape Lab aims to inquire specific aspects of architecture and
different scales of participation within the emerging issues of contemporary
landscape. Central topic is the case study of the landscape of the
“broad city” in Pianura Padana (Northern Italy), from
the Milanese suburbs to the delta of river Po. A concrete way to give
answers to the environment emergencies of the area, through methodologies,
instruments and technologies supplied by landscape architecture.
ACMA - Centro Italiano di Architettura
- e il Laboratorio del Paesaggio Contemporaneo insieme per il 2007>>>

A “Tocatì”, Festival del Gioco di Verona in programma
dal 22 al 24 settembre, Cittadellarte con i progetti di “Arte
al Centro 2006” e Love Difference con il calcetto di Diego Paccagnella
realizzato in collaborazione con FA.BI. srl>>>
At “Tocatì”, Verona
Game Festival, 22-24 September, Cittadellarte with the “Art at
the Centre 2006” projects and Love Difference with the Table-Football
by Diego Paccagnella, made in collaboration with FA.BI srl >>> |

Africa e Mediterraneo lancia un call for paper per pubblicare
la mappa interculculturale d’Europa. Scadenza per la presentazione
delle proposte: 10 settembre 2006 >>>
Call for papers: Africa e Mediterraneo
special issue on the European Interculture Map. Deadline for proposals:
10 September 2006 >>> |

Dopo i bombardamenti di Beirut, riapre la
Galleria Sfeir-Semler >>>
Sfeir-Semler Gallery branch in Beirut
re-opened after the bombing >>> |

LagoStudio Magic Design Show : sabato 14
settembre a San Giorgio in Bosco una presentazione dei progetti per
Love Difference >>>
The LagoStudio Magic Design Show: on Saturday
the 14th of September, a presentation of projects designed for Love
Difference >>> |

"Bi come Bambini": tutte le attività
di Cittadellarte al Festival di Biella, dall’8 al 10 settembre
2006 >>>
"Bi come Bambini": activities
by Cittadellarte at Biella Festival for kids, 8-10 September 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic