LDN Love Difference News #51

The LagoStudio Magic Design Show: on Saturday
the 14th of September, a presentation of projects designed for Love
LagoStudio is the new Lago creative centre
set up to design a better future with enthusiasm and responsibility.
Within this space, LagoStudio twice a year organizes design workshops,
in which
students of design, art, public relations and more, have the opportunity
to transform ordinary projects into extraordinary ones. These creative
pioneers are asked to show motivation, a spirit of initiative and
the desire to become unstoppable protagonists.
LagoStudio will celebrate its second year of activity, and the beginning
of the second workshop of 2006, on Saturday the 14th of September
from 8 p.m in San Giorgio in Bosco (Padua, Italy), with
“The LagoStudio Magic Design Show”. During the party projects
developed in the workshops will be presented; students worked on special
projects especially designed for Love Difference, keeping in mind
the principles of the Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean
Politic: eco-sustainability, sharing, participation. Love Difference
and Cittadellarte presentation by Filippo Fabbrica and Francesco Strocchi.
LagoStudio Magic Design Show : sabato
14 settembre a San Giorgio in Bosco una presentazione dei progetti
per Love Difference>>>

A “Tocatì”, Festival del Gioco di Verona in programma
dal 22 al 24 settembre, Cittadellarte con i progetti di “Arte
al Centro 2006” e Love Difference con il calcetto di Diego Paccagnella
realizzato in collaborazione con FA.BI. srl>>>
At “Tocatì”, Verona
Game Festival, 22-24 September, Cittadellarte with the “Art at
the Centre 2006” projects and Love Difference with the Table-Football
by Diego Paccagnella, made in collaboration with FA.BI srl >>> |

Africa e Mediterraneo lancia un call for paper per pubblicare
la mappa interculculturale d’Europa. Scadenza per la presentazione
delle proposte: 10 settembre 2006 >>>
Call for papers: Africa e Mediterraneo
special issue on the European Interculture Map. Deadline for proposals:
10 September 2006 >>> |

ACMA - Centro Italiano di Architettura -
e il Laboratorio del Paesaggio Contemporaneo insieme per il 2007 >>>
ACMA - Italian Centre for Architecture
- and the Contemporary Landscape Lab together for 2007 programme >>> |

Dopo i bombardamenti di Beirut, riapre la
Galleria Sfeir-Semler >>>
Sfeir-Semler Gallery branch in Beirut
re-opened after the bombing >>> |

"Bi come Bambini": tutte le attività
di Cittadellarte al Festival di Biella, dall’8 al 10 settembre
2006 >>>
"Bi come Bambini": activities
by Cittadellarte at Biella Festival for kids, 8-10 September 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic