LDN Love Difference News #51

"Bi come Bambini": activities
by Cittadellarte at Biella Festival for kids, 8-10 September 2006
As we announced in LDN#49,
Cittadellarte will take part in the Children Festival organized by
the City of Biella on 8-10 September. Cittadellarte is in charge for
the designing and the artistic direction of the Play/ArtSection of
the Festival. Cittadellarte will thus realize three workshops: Third
Paradise/ Waving Art (in collaboration with Castello di Rivoli Education
Dep. And Pietra Pistoletto), in which children will build the Third
Paradise using un-used clothes, and then will use them to sew new
clothes; ReMida Day, the Creative Recycling Day (in collaboration
with ReMida Group and Unidee residents in Cittadellarte); a Cinema
Workshop, in colaboration with the National Cinema Museum of Turin.
During the same days, the public can visit at Cittadellarte the exhibitions
of "Art at the Centre 2006: the Game".
"Bi come Bambini": tutte le
attività di Cittadellarte al Festival di Biella, dall’8
al 10 settembre 2006>>>

A “Tocatì”, Festival del Gioco di Verona in programma
dal 22 al 24 settembre, Cittadellarte con i progetti di “Arte
al Centro 2006” e Love Difference con il calcetto di Diego Paccagnella
realizzato in collaborazione con FA.BI. srl>>>
At “Tocatì”, Verona
Game Festival, 22-24 September, Cittadellarte with the “Art at
the Centre 2006” projects and Love Difference with the Table-Football
by Diego Paccagnella, made in collaboration with FA.BI srl >>> |

Africa e Mediterraneo lancia un call for paper per pubblicare
la mappa interculculturale d’Europa. Scadenza per la presentazione
delle proposte: 10 settembre 2006 >>>
Call for papers: Africa e Mediterraneo
special issue on the European Interculture Map. Deadline for proposals:
10 September 2006 >>> |

ACMA - Centro Italiano di Architettura -
e il Laboratorio del Paesaggio Contemporaneo insieme per il 2007 >>>
ACMA - Italian Centre for Architecture
- and the Contemporary Landscape Lab together for 2007 programme >>> |

Dopo i bombardamenti di Beirut, riapre la
Galleria Sfeir-Semler >>>
Sfeir-Semler Gallery branch in Beirut
re-opened after the bombing >>> |

LagoStudio Magic Design Show : sabato 14
settembre a San Giorgio in Bosco una presentazione dei progetti per
Love Difference >>>
The LagoStudio Magic Design Show: on Saturday
the 14th of September, a presentation of projects designed for Love
Difference >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic