LDN Love Difference News #52

“Cultural identities in a multicultural
society”: Love Difference and Cittadellarte meet Yudhishthir
Raj Isar, Thursday 28th September
On Thursday 28th September 2006, at 3 pm
in Europoly space at Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella),
Love Difference and Cittadellarte will host the meeting “Cultural
identities in a multicultural society” with Yudhishthir Raj
Isar, Jean Monnet Professor of Cultural Policy Studies, Department
of International Communications at the American University of Paris.
Professor Isar will discuss the task of finding ways to allow non-conflictual
cultural distinctions to flourish; the role of immigrants in such
processes and that of policy-makers; the issue of giving dignity,
voice and recognition in the public sphere to different cultural groups.
The meeting is part of Europoly - The European Union Identity Trading
Game, a Love Difference project by the artist Dejan Kaludjerovic,
realized with the support of the European Cultural Foundation. The
meeting will be held in English.
“Identità culturali in
una società multiculturale”: Love Difference e Cittadellarte
incontrano Yudhishthir Raj Isar giovedì 28 settembre>>>

“Un record per Pellestrina”: il merletto a tombolo più
lungo del mondo. Presentazione del progetto sabato 7 ottobre sull’isola
di Pellestrina>>>
“A record for Pellestrina”:
the longest pillow lace of the world. On Saturday 7 October on the island
of Pellestrina >>> |

“Of other spaces...”: bando di
partecipazione a UrbanFestival (Zagabria, giugno 2007). Scadenza per
la presentazione dei progetti: 13 novembre 2006 >>>
“Of other spaces...”: call
for proposals for UrbanFestival (Zagreb, June 2007). Deadline on November
13, 2006 >>> |

Master in Progettazione e gestione delle
attività di cooperazione e di formazione nell'Europa centro-orientale
e balcanica a Portogruaro. Iscrizioni entro il 31 ottobre 2006 >>>
Master in "Planning and Management
of Co-operation and Training Activities in Central and Eastern Europe
and the Balkans" in Portogruaro (Venice, Italy). Application deadline:
October 31, 2006 >>> |

“Tutti su per terra”: seminario
annuale di alta formazione alla Scuola di Formazione e Studi sui Conflitti
di Trento. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 15 ottobre 2006 >>>
“Tutti su per terra”: a high
formation seminar course at Trento School of Conflicts Studies. Deadline
for registrations: 15 October 2006 >>> |

A Lucera (Foggia) la quarta edizione del
Festival della Letteratura Mediterranea, dal 21 al 24 settembre >>>
Mediterranean Literature Festival in Lucera
(Italy), 21-24 September 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic