LDN Love Difference News #53   05-10-2006

Unidee in progress 2006 – open studio: on October 21st in Cittadellarte the public presentation of the projects developed by the young creatives of UNIDEE in Residence 2006
On October 21st in Cittadellarte, from 5 pm, the projects developed by 15 young creatives during UNIDEE in Residence 2006 will be on show in the open studio. UNIDEE in Residence is an international programme where the arts are integrated with humanistic, scientific and social disciplines, placing artistic creativity at the centre of a research aimed towards the responsible transformation of society. In the open studio projects by: Qiu Jun (China), Paula Andrea Rengifo Valencia (Colombia), Nataša Perkovic (Bosnia Herzegovina), Tehila Lapidot (Israel), Antonella Alunni (USA), Raouf Haj-Yihya (Palestine), Ajay Kumar Tiwari (India), Rakhi Peswani (India), Liron Shua (Spain), Katia Meneghini (Italy), Christian Niccoli (Italy), Nazgol Ansarinia (Iran), Francesco Perratone (Italy), Andy Abbott (England), Yvonne Carmichael (England). Free entry with aperitif at the Cafeteria.

Unidee in progress 2006 – open studio: a Cittadellarte il 21 ottobre la presentazione dei progetti sviluppati dai giovani creativi di UNIDEE in Residence 2006>>>

Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il Sociale a Viterbo. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 10 novembre 2006 >>>
Master in Creative and Ethical Communications in Viterbo (Italy). Deadline for submissions: November 10, 2006 >>>

A Fare Pace, salone dell’editoria di pace, Luca Sossella editore distribuisce "Progetto Arte - Journal" con il progetto Segnal’etica. Venezia, sabato 7 ottobre >>>
Luca Sossella editore distributes “Progetto Arte - Journal”, with the project Segnal’etica, at Fare Pace (Making Peace), fair of peace publishing. Venice, Saturday 7 October >>>

A Torino il Corso di Perfezionamento per Responsabile di Progetti Culturali. Scadenze per borse di studio e iscrizioni: 8 ottobre e 10 novembre 2006 >>>
Postgraduate Course for Cultural Project Manager in Turin. Deadline for scholarships and registrations: 8 October and 10 November 2006 >>>

Bando di partecipazione alla sezione italiana della Creative Media Competition. Iscrizioni aperte fino al 23 ottobre 2006 >>>
Creative Media Competition – Italian Call. Deadline for submissions: 23 October 2006 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic