LDN Love Difference News #53

Postgraduate Course for Cultural Project
Manager in Turin. Deadline for scholarships and registrations: 8 October
and 10 November 2006
On 20 November 2006 Michelina Borsari,
director of Festivalfilosofia, will open in Turin the eleventh edition
of the “Postgraduate Course for Cultural Project Manager”,
with an open lesson on “Culture Festivals as connective bridges
between culture and society”. The Postgraduate Course for Cultural
Project Manager, organized since 1996 in Turin by Fitzcarraldo Foundation,
teaches culture managers on the best practices to develop projects
for visual arts, integrated territorial valorisation, new media, cultural,
inter-cultural and communication enterprises.
The course focuses on the realization the artistic-cultural project
submitted by each participant. The course is structured in lessons
with teachers from the best Italian and foreign cultural structures,
study trips, interviews with artists and directors of public and private
cultural structures, and thematic practical workshops on cultural
planning. Twelve scholarships available for a total amount of 20.000
euro for Italian students. Deadline forapplications: 10 November;
deadline for scholarships: 8 October 2006.
A Torino il Corso di Perfezionamento
per Responsabile di Progetti Culturali. Scadenze per borse di studio
e iscrizioni: 8 ottobre e 10 novembre 2006>>>

Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il Sociale a Viterbo.
Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 10 novembre 2006 >>>
Master in Creative and Ethical Communications
in Viterbo (Italy). Deadline for submissions: November 10, 2006 >>> |

Unidee in progress 2006 – open studio: a Cittadellarte
il 21 ottobre la presentazione dei progetti sviluppati dai giovani creativi
di UNIDEE in Residence 2006 >>>
Unidee in progress 2006 – open
studio: on October 21st in Cittadellarte the public presentation
of the projects developed by the young creatives of UNIDEE in Residence
2006 >>> |

A Fare Pace, salone dell’editoria
di pace, Luca Sossella editore distribuisce "Progetto Arte - Journal"
con il progetto Segnal’etica. Venezia, sabato 7 ottobre >>>
Luca Sossella editore distributes “Progetto
Arte - Journal”, with the project Segnal’etica, at Fare
Pace (Making Peace), fair of peace publishing. Venice,
Saturday 7 October >>> |

Bando di partecipazione alla sezione italiana
della Creative Media Competition. Iscrizioni aperte fino al 23 ottobre
2006 >>>
Creative Media Competition – Italian
Call. Deadline for submissions: 23 October 2006 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic