LDN Love Difference News #55   11-03-2006

News from Bledi: the project by Katia Kameli in tour in Europe and Morocco
The French-Algerian artist Katia Kameli collaborates with Love Difference in the Bledi project since 2002. Katia’s film “Bledi. A possible scenario” is in the collection of the Cinemathèque de Tanger. In these past weeks, it has been shown at the Photographer's Gallery in London, at the Biennal of Contemporary Art of Sevilla, at VideoEx in Zurich and at the art fair in Paris “Show Off”. It is also in the scheduling of Transat Video in Caen (France).
Earlier this year Kameli organised the workshop “Bledi in progress”, dedicated to the visions of contemporary Algeria and to the expression of it through the video. “Les baies d'Alger”, realised by Hassen Ferhani during the workshop, has been shown at the film festival of Tanger, the film festival of Montpellier and will be in competition of festival Tous Courts d'Aix en provence.
Katia Kameli is currently editing the making of "Bledi in progress" and preparing a show in which the entire "Bledi project" will be shown, the animation, the film, the films produced, the making of , and a flip book to resume the whole project.
vai al progetto

Notizie da Bledi: il progetto a cura di Katia Kameli in tour in Europa e Marocco>>>

Love Difference al Meeting dei Giovani del Mediterraneo: Cosenza, 16-19 novembre 2006>>>
Love Difference at the Mediterranean Youth Meeting: Cosenza, 16-19 November 2006 >>>

Idensitat 07: HOME / AWAY. Scadenza per la presentazione dei progetti: 15 novembre 2006>>>
Idensitat 07: HOME / AWAY. Deadline for submitting projects: 15 November 2006>>>

Michelangelo Pistoletto e Love Difference a “La nascita delle idee”, 500esima mostra di Studio D’Ars: a Milano, dal 7 al 17 novembre>>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto and Love Difference at “The birth of ideas”, 500th exhibition at Studio D' Ars: Milan, 7 -17 November 2006>>>

Promemoria: al 1 dicembre 2006 il termine per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on December 1st the deadline for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications in Viterbo (Italy) >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic