LDN Love Difference News #55

Idensitat 07: HOME / AWAY. Deadline for
submitting projects: 15 November 2006
Idensitat 07 starts its fourth edition
calling for projects. It is addressed to artists who offer proposals
in the field of public space, from a multidisciplinary perspective
and having the will of interacting in the social space of the territory
where the project is promoted.
Since 1999 a series of projects and activities have been done in the
town of Calaf (Barcelona), and progressively other relations have
been established with more towns, with the aim of allowing the development
of projects that can be adapted to the own and multiple specificities
arising out from the singularity of a place.
The call Idensitat 07 is structured around two categories of presentation,
having each different goals and characteristics. One points to the
production of projects and the other one for already implemented proposals
(documentary projects). The economic endowment destined to each selected
project in the section production of projects will be determined by
its budget, having available a maximum amount of 11,000 euro. In reference
to the documentation projects, the economic endowment might depend
on the presentation format of the project; having available a maximum
of 1,500 euro. The deadline for this call of projects is November
the 15th, 2006.
Idensitat 07: HOME / AWAY. Scadenza
per la presentazione dei progetti: 15 novembre 2006>>>

Love Difference al Meeting dei Giovani del Mediterraneo: Cosenza, 16-19
novembre 2006>>>
Love Difference at the Mediterranean Youth
Meeting: Cosenza, 16-19 November 2006 >>> |

Notizie da Bledi: il progetto a cura di Katia Kameli in tour in Europa
e Marocco >>>
News from Bledi: the project by Katia
Kameli in tour in Europe and Morocco >>> |

Michelangelo Pistoletto e Love Difference
a “La nascita delle idee”, 500esima mostra di Studio D’Ars:
a Milano, dal 7 al 17 novembre>>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto and Love Difference
at “The birth of ideas”, 500th exhibition at Studio D' Ars:
Milan, 7 -17 November 2006>>> |

Promemoria: al 1 dicembre 2006 il termine
per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il
Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on December 1st the deadline
for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications
in Viterbo (Italy) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic