Michelangelo Pistoletto and Love Difference
at “The birth of ideas”, 500th exhibition at Studio D'
Ars: Milan, 7 -17 November 2006
On Tuesday 7 November, Fondazione D’Ars
Oscar Signorini in Milan will host the opening of “The birth
of ideas”, the 500th exhibition at Studio D' Ars, curated by
Grazia Chiesa.
An unusual exhibition, composed from maquettes of installations, photographies,
drawings, paintings, poems. The show celebrates the first 500 exhibitions
at Studio D' Ars, and comes from the assumption that Studio D’Ars
is place a for the birth of ideas. On display, projects, sketches,
maquettes by Stefania Carrozzini, Enrico Cattaneo, Anna Maria Angelini
Chiarvetto, Lucia Corbinelli, Luisa Delle Vedove, Giuliano Del Sorbo,
Silvana Galeone, Isa Di Battista Gorini, Domenico Difilippo, Patrizia
Gabriele, Riccardo Giulietti, Anna Maria Gelmi, Manola Maiani, Antonio
Massari, Grazia Lavia, Eliana Masala, Giacomo Pipitone, Michelangelo
Pistoletto, go-La Nicolò Reali, Simona Romani and other artists.
Love Difference will take part in the exhibition with "La Mensa
delle Culture", the aluminium made mirroring book by Michelangelo
Pistoletto, illustrating the six "dining tables of culture",
and with a text describing the movement.
Michelangelo Pistoletto e Love Difference
a “La nascita delle idee”, 500esima mostra di Studio D’Ars:
a Milano, dal 7 al 17 novembre>>>