LDN Love Difference News #56

Mapping of cultural donors in eight Arab
The King Hussein Foundation Information
and Research Center, commissioned by the European Cultural Foundation
in collaboration with Ford Foundation (Cairo) and SIDA, the Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency, is currently conducting
a mapping of funds available for the cultural sector in the Arab world.
The project is designed to provide critical analysis of current funding
priorities, deficiencies, and key independent players in the Arab
The exercise seeks to produce a matrix of culture funders in eight
Arab countries, namely Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco,
Syria, Jordan and Palestine. The qualitative review of this matrix
will result in recommendations related to the identification of underfunded
sectors, issues of access, and suggestions for future focus areas.
For project details: j.phillips@irckhf.org.jo
Una mappa dei fondi per le attività
culturali nei paesi arabi>>>

Unrecognized di Tal Adler in mostra dal 17 novembre al 3 dicembre
alla Galleria Civica di Tallin, Estonia>>>
Unrecognized by Tal Adler exhibited
at Tallinn City Gallery – Estonia until December 3, 2006 >>> |

Furla, Cittadellarte e Love Difference ancora una volta insieme: martedì
12 dicembre si presenta a Milano la nuova shopping bag dedicata a Love
Difference >>>
Furla, Cittadellarte and Love Difference
together again: on Tuesday 12 December presentation of the new Love
Difference shopping bag in Milan >>> |

Corso di formazione in teatro ed empowerment
delle competenze relazionali e comunicative nelle relazioni di cura
a Torino. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 30 gennaio 2007>>>
Course on the relationship between theatre
activities and empowerment of relational and communicative competences
in healing and recovering procedures in Turin. Application deadline:
30 January 2007>>> |

L’inquisizione nell’era di internet.
La chiusura di un portale culturale in Grecia>>>
Internet middle ages in Greece? The shutting
down of a cultural portal>>> |

Il progetto Europoly fa tappa a
Venezia: dal 23 al 29 novembre 2006 l'installazione sarà presentata
alla Galleria A+A, San Marco 3073 (Calle Malipiero).
Europoly project stops in Venice:
from November 23rd to 29th the installation will be on show at Galleria
A+A, San Marco 3073 (Calle Malipiero). |

Promemoria: al 1 dicembre 2006 il termine
per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il
Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on December 1st the deadline
for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications
in Viterbo (Italy) >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic