LDN Love Difference News #61

Bledi at the International Short
Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand
Thursday february 1st Bledi - a possible
scenario by Katia Kameli, has been broadcasted at the International
Short Film Festival of Clermont-Ferrand (France). ‘Bledi’
is a documentary film played over the many layers of Algerian reality:
the journey begins at Marseilles with the departure of the mythical
ship ‘Méditerranée’ and unfolds along with
the thoughts, memories, and past and future expectations of Algerian
émigrés coming back to their homeland. The film is part
of the project realised by Katia with Love Difference and Cittadellarte.
Together with Kameli’s film, works realised by Algerian students
during the Workshop ‘Tournage / Montage Alger’ (organised
by Kameli in 2006 and documented by a short Making of) have been broadcasted
as well: Baloon by Abdelkader Enssad, Khod et’Roli Wa Choff
by Amina Zoubir, Babel by Khaled Benaissa, Les Baies d’Alger
by Hassen Ferhani.
to the project
Bledi al Festival Internazionale
del Cortometraggio di Clermont-Ferrand>>>

Arte e trasformazione della società attraverso il dialogo interculturale:
Love Difference incontra la cultura croata, mercoledì 14 febbraio
alla Dom HDLU di Zagabria>>>
Art transforming the society through
the intercultural dialogue: Love Difference meets Croatian culture
on Wednesday the 14th of February in Zagreb>>> |

Bando di partecipazione al concorso UNESCO
Digital Arts 2007 in collaborazione con la Biennale di Sharjah. Scadenza
per le iscrizioni: 16 febbraio 2007>>>
Call for participation - UNESCO Digital
Arts Award 2007 in association with the Sharjah Biennial 8. Deadline
for submissions: 16 February 2007>>> |

La European Cultural Foundation cerca Arts
Managers Trainers. Scadenza per le candidature: 16 febbraio 2007
Call for Arts Managers Trainers at the
European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 16 February
2007>>> |

Bando della Fondazione Euro-Mediterranea
Anna Lindh per il Dialogo tra le Culture per la presentazione di progetti.
Prima scadenza: 1 marzo 2007>>>
Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
for the Dialogue between Cultures call for proposals. Deadline: 1
March 2007
>>> |

Carnevale Remidiano: Sabato 17 febbraio
2007 inaugurazione di ReMida Biella, il Centro di Riuso Creativo >>>
ReMida Carnival: Saturday 17 February
2007 opening of ReMida Biella, the Center for Creative Recycling >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic