LDN Love Difference News #61

Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
for the Dialogue between Cultures call for proposals. Deadline: 1
March 2007
The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
for the Dialogue between Cultures is seeking proposals for activities
and initiatives that support intercultural dialogue in the 37 Euro-Mediterranean
countries. The Programme is co-funded by the European Union and the
37 members of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
The following thematic priorities for 2007, all of which are equally
ranked, are: EuroMed music (workshops/festivals) and cultural/artistic
creation; EuroMed schools programme; EuroMed teams of young researchers,
academic mobility; Mobility of artists (Summer schools/exchange programmes,
artists in residence); Women as promoters of Dialogue and the Media;
Network of networks: training, database, exchanges.
The full Guidelines for Applicants are available on the Foundation’s
Internet site. The two deadlines for submission of proposals are:
March 1st and June 1st, 2007.
Bando della Fondazione Euro-Mediterranea Anna Lindh per il Dialogo
tra le Culture per la presentazione di progetti. Prima scadenza: 1
marzo 2007>>>

Arte e trasformazione della società attraverso il dialogo interculturale:
Love Difference incontra la cultura croata, mercoledì 14 febbraio
alla Dom HDLU di Zagabria>>>
Art transforming the society through
the intercultural dialogue: Love Difference meets Croatian culture
on Wednesday the 14th of February in Zagreb>>> |

Bledi al Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Clermont-Ferrand>>>
Bledi at the International
Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand>>> |

Bando di partecipazione al concorso UNESCO
Digital Arts 2007 in collaborazione con la Biennale di Sharjah. Scadenza
per le iscrizioni: 16 febbraio 2007>>>
Call for participation - UNESCO Digital
Arts Award 2007 in association with the Sharjah Biennial 8. Deadline
for submissions: 16 February 2007>>> |

La European Cultural Foundation cerca Arts
Managers Trainers. Scadenza per le candidature: 16 febbraio 2007
Call for Arts Managers Trainers at the
European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 16 February
2007>>> |

Carnevale Remidiano: Sabato 17 febbraio
2007 inaugurazione di ReMida Biella, il Centro di Riuso Creativo >>>
ReMida Carnival: Saturday 17 February
2007 opening of ReMida Biella, the Center for Creative Recycling >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic